Global Government Kidnapping Rings
Investigated 1/2/2017
(Collier County, Florida)
Published: January 2nd, 2017
Last Update: August 8th, 2024
Author: Michael James Ross
Chapter 1: Current news
Chapter 2: Introduction
Chapter 3: Hollywood connections
Chapter 4: Royal connections
Chapter 5: Epstein Island
Chapter 6: International news
Chapter 7: Human trafficking & the CPS
Chapter 8: The Vatican
Chapter 9: Sharia Law
Chapter 10: Miscellaneous
Chapter 11: Corporations
Chapter 12: California
Chapter 13: Private Security firms
Chapter 14: Humboldt County
Chapter 15: Bohemian Grove
The following section will detail how different areas of the government still protect and allow pedophile rings, including human trafficking rings. We constantly see the rate of human trafficking increasing, while the media has done very little to alert the public about these events. The government continues to try to block journalists from trying to uncover these stories and accusations about these trafficking rings. For more information about how the authorities are trying to stop journalists, including myself, view the section titled "Chapter 14: Humboldt County."
Emergency release.
Here is the following information on these global government kidnapping rings.
We have tracked a new Human Trafficking ring in Collier County, Florida. Michael James Ross from needs assistance for arresting these government officials in Collier County, Florida. Michael Ross is calling for the arrest of Police Chief Kevin Rambosk of Collier County, Florida. We are calling for the militia or National Guard to arrest Police Chief Kevin Rambosk of Collier County, Florida for humn trafficking. Do not let this Kidnapping ring in Collier County, Florida escape justice. This Kidnapping ring and human smuggling ring is being carried out by Collier County, Florida Police Chief Kevin Rambosk. Do not let Police Chief Kevin Rambosk get away while he attempts to harm journalists attempting to stop these corrupt kidnapping rings in Collier County, Florida. We are asking for people to not support Collier County, Florida until Michael Ross is free from this illegal court trial in Collier County, Florida. The police have accused Michael Ross of having an air rifle and then lied and said that he was a felon with an air rifle. The truth is that Michael Ross was never a felon, and this was an illegal arrest.
The Biden Administration has kidnapped reporter Michael James Ross from We need help from the public to stop this illegal arrest of Michael James Ross by the Joe Biden Administration and Democrats. For more information about the illegal arrest of Michael Ross and the multi-million dollar wrongful arrest lawsuit, please view our Book Pollution Science 101 - Florida.
Pollution Science X - Florida - (Pollution Science 101 - Florida)
April 4th, 2024
Michael Ross from refuses to complete these books until the authorities stop the illegal court trial of Michael James Ross and let Michael Ross go free. These books will remain unfinished as a reminder to the poor treatment of American scientists and journalists under the Biden administration.
1/15/2020 - Michael Ross gets illegally abducted by the Laguna Beach, California Police (Help) - Laguna Beach Police Brutality - Scientific Research Being Destroyed (2018)
Women and Children Ordered ‘Like Pizza’—Human Trafficking in Orange County
November 8, 2019
Majority of human trafficking in the nation passes through Orange County
October 6, 2019
The report states that demographics of victims in Orange County are:
– 29% black
– 24% hispanic
– 19% white
– 13% asian
– 15% categorized as “other”
In its 15 years of service, the task force has assisted over a thousand victims from 42 different countries.
The first case to bring attention to human trafficking in Orange County was in 2002, when a 8-year-old Egyptian girl was sold into slavery for $30 a month and brought to Irvine two years later, according to the Los Angeles Times.
On May 4, 2019, Whittier residents Frank and Alba Ponce were contacted by Hannah’s Children’s Homes regarding the adoption of a three-month-old who had entered the foster system after being rescued from a home in which he had been bought. The child was trafficked into the U.S. from Honduras.
Human Trafficking is Growing in Orange County
Oct 23, 2019
Over 80% of human trafficking victims are shipped to Orange County due to the rich and wealthy population
Problems in OC Child Welfare System Get Statewide Scrutiny
May 21, 2014
The audit looked at a random sample of 40 abuse cases at Orange County Child Protective Services, out of roughly 5,000 the agency handles each year.
County officials, meanwhile, say they appreciate the auditors’ feedback and are working to implement their recommendations.
“We’re committed to improving the safety of children and we want to do all that’s in our power to improve the process,” said TerryLynn Fisher, a spokeswoman for the Orange County Social Services Agency, which oversees CPS.
As for issues of incomplete and inaccurate information in initial reports, the social services agency has emphasized that the full picture often doesn’t emerge until later in the process.
“During the course of a child abuse investigation, additional information regarding alleged perpetrators and victims often becomes available or changes as the investigation progresses,” the agency wrote in its response to auditors.
Fisher declined to say if that was the case for the Orange County instances cited in the audit.
Donnelly, meanwhile, said two local cases raise serious questions about the agency, and led him to request that Orange County be included in the child welfare audit. Both cases, he said, should prompt Orange County supervisors to “absolutely” take a close look at their CPS agency...
The Orange County Sheriff’s Department has opened a perjury investigation into the custody case, but months into the probe it appears the family court has yet to provide key documents.
The sheriff’s investigator has been “facing some challenges” in obtaining court transcripts, Lt. Jeff Hallock wrote in a May 9 email.
The reason for the delay is unclear. Court spokeswoman Gwen Vieau didn’t return a message seeking comment on the issue.
The other case cited by Donnelly is that of Deanna Fogarty-Hardwick, who successfully sued the county over claims she was illegally denied custody of her two daughters after social workers filed false reports and suppressed key evidence.
An Orange County Superior Court jury ruled in her favor, concluding that two social workers acted with “malice, oppression or fraud,” and that managers were “deliberately indifferent to the need to train and/or supervise its employees adequately.”
The Fourth District Court of Appeal upheld the ruling, adding that there were wider problems at the agency.
“The evidence adduced at trial obviously caused both the jury and the judge to conclude not only that something seriously wrong was done to Fogarty-Hardwick in this case, but also that the wrongful conduct was not an isolated incident,” Justice William Bedsworth wrote in the appeals court opinion.
“That conclusion is something the County should be taking very seriously.”
Foster care bill could allow for faster termination of parental rights
August 27, 2019
Attack on Corruption: ‘Contra Costa County Three Judge Recall’ Launched by Parents
16 August 2018
CORRUPTION WATCH-One of the acts of tyranny which prompted Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence was a corrupt judicial system where the whims of men, primarily King George’s, supplanted rule of law.
Once again Americans are beset upon by a tyrannical judiciary. In 1776, a few Americans rose up in revolt and today’s revolution is beginning in California’s Contra Costa County.
On August 10, 2018, a group known as Parents Against CPS Corruption, filed recall petitions against three Contra Costa County superior court judges who had been running roughshod over families and the law. Whether the judges acted out of malevolence, ignorance, or greed is not as relevant as the fact that the court system had become a predatory institution constituting a clear and present danger to the people. (CPS = Child Protective Services. The recalls are part of the larger corruption in the Child Protective Services in several counties which could not exist without the protection of judges.)
The three superior court judges being targeted for recall are: Judge Rebecca Hardie, Judge Jill Fannin and Judge Lois Haight. (pictured above, left to right)Let’s start with the obvious fact few want to admit -- all three of are female. Parents Against CPS Corruption is not a male group, nor is it a feminist group railing against male judges. This group is simply child focused and anti-corruption; so, let the gender issues fall where they may.
The complaints against the three judges are similar to those we are seeing in Orange County criminal courts, but the Contra Costa rebels are more courageous. They do not pretend that the judges are innocent and only focus on the Child Protective Services employees who provide misleading data to the court. The Contra Costa rebels know that judicial protection of CPS places children’s well-being and lives at risk.
So long as we pretend that it is only prosecutors who are the bad guys, we will be giving a pass to the real villains, the judges and justices who not only turn a blind eye to corruption but often spearhead it.
The Commission of Judicial Performance [CJP] Makes Recalls Necessary
Because the real function of the Commission on Judicial Performance is to protect corrupt judges and justices, there has been no recourse against the judges who place their own care and feeding ahead of their constitutional duties. The CJP has gone so far to protect the judges that it won’t allow the state auditor to see its books to determine how it functions. Naturally, the people who ruled on the unique ability of the CJP to operate above the law are the judges who do not want any discipline system placed above them.
Let’s Look at the Judicial Abuses in the Contra Costa County Recall:
Judge Hardie
Along with Judge Haight, it is alleged Hardie basically ignored the 2015-2016 Grand Jury Report #1616, “Our Children In Need,” which had the subtitle, “Why Another Report?” When the authority figures, the judges, look the other way or participate in the Child Protective Services’ abuses, another report is required…and then another. The final overseers, “We the People,” now need to step up and perform our Constitutional duty and remove the officials who endanger our children.
There is also reason to believe Judge Hardie may have a bias in favor of adoption which results in children being wrongfully separated from their families. The voters of Contra Costa County have a duty to get to the bottom of this matter. This three-judge-recall provides them that opportunity.
Judge Haight
Some of the allegations very serious – Judge Haight’s referral of parents to attorneys of her selection, followed by huge attorney fees. Attorneys call this churning the file. Judges can financially ruin families.
Judge Fannin
Judge Fannin seems to covet secrecy in that she has court reporters removed from the courtroom and will conduct hearings in private. Then, her rulings allegedly contain falsified evidence designed to support her decisions. When judges conduct trials in secret, parents have trouble challenging the judges’ orders.
Why Orange County is a Hot Spot for Human Trafficking
Feb. 17, 2020
Believe it or not, sting operations in 2018 showed that 80 percent of human trafficking victims from around the country end up in Orange County.
June 26, 2020
Saagar Enjeti: BOMBSHELL development as Epstein accuser NAMES former Israeli Prime Minister
Jun 24, 2020
Head of the Snake - Wexner, Maxwell’s, Mossad & Mega Group Exposed
Jun 6, 2020
Jean-Luc Brunel, who ran a modeling agency funded by Epstein and was accused of supplying underage girls, pictured on Epstein’s island wearing an “Israel Army” hat.
August 2020
Israel and The White Slave Trade
Since the collapse of the Berlin wall in 1989, hundreds of thousands of young women from Eastern Europe have been lured into prostitution networks and taken away from their homes to far-flung destinations. The International Organization for Migration estimates that 500,000 young women from the former Soviet Union have fallen into the hands of criminal gangs. The media remains extremely quiet on the matter. And yet, in May 2000, an Amnesty International report revealed the extent of the problem, and identified Israel as being the central hub of this traffic.
How Russia's mafia is taking over Israel's underworld
There are alarming signs that the Russian mafia has taken over the Israeli underworld and is using the country to launder its vast profits.
A wave of mass immigration from the former Soviet Union has brought 750,000 newcomers to the Jewish state in the last decade.
Amid the innocent exodus were Russian gangsters, many of whom are believed to have produced bogus proof of Jewish ancestry to enter the country.
Police in Israel have been keeping around 30 organised key crime suspects under surveillance.
Modern form of slavery
Many are controlled by Russian mobsters who recruit Eastern European women who then become trapped and subservient.
Rita Rasnic, of the Israeli Women's Aid Centre, describes it as "modern day white slavery".
Women are often traded between gangsters for £6,000 ($10,000) to £9,000 ($15,000) and routinely have their passports taken away by their pimps.
Detective Toni Haddad of the Haifa vice squad says: "They are sold like slaves.
"Nobody cares. I don't think it's life for them," as the prostitutes have to do whatever their bosses want. The woman are "not free to do anything."
Bombshell Revelations From Epstein Victim
Apr 27, 2020
Prince Andrew Pushes Back As Prosecutors Seek To Question Him About Jeffrey Epstein | TODAY
Jun 9, 2020
A judge related to Epstein case just had men dressed in FedEx uniforms enter her home shoot her Son and Husband
July 19, 2019
#MeToo movement sends Hollywood figures into exile, not jail
October 6, 2018,-not-jail
L.A. County District Attorney Forms Task Force for Hollywood's Sexual Misconduct
Nov. 10, 2017
'Smallville' actress pleads guilty in sex-trafficking case
NEW YORK (AP) — TV actress Allison Mack pleaded guilty Monday to charges she was involved in a scheme to turn women into sex slaves for the spiritual leader of a cult-like upstate New York group, a development that came on the same day jury selection began for a federal trial in the case.
Found 1000's of Cars Deep Underground
Powerful Video: ‘Enablers like Hillary Clinton Allowed Weinstein To Get Away With Sexual Abuse’
Internet sees a BIG problem with Obama statement on disgraced Hollywood mogul
October 11, 2017
Catch That Laptop!
Jun 23, 2020
Member of National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children flew with traffickers
Bill Clinton Rape Accuser Blasts Hillary’s Response to Weinstein Scandal
“You have lived with that same behavior from your husband for decades,” Broaddrick says
October 10, 2017
Tom Hanks: ‘I Know All Kinds of People’ Like Weinstein
“I know all kinds of people that just love hitting on, or making the lives of underlings some degree of miserable…”
October 12, 2017
No One Listened to Corey Feldman when He Blew Lid Off Hollywood’s Pedophilia Problem
“It’s the big secret.”
October 13, 2017
Rose McGowan says Weinstein 'raped me'; Harvey denies
Posted on October 12, 2017
James Van Der Beek Reveals He Was Sexually Harassed by "Older, Powerful Men"
PEDOGATE 2020 | In-Depth Exploration (NEW INFO)
April 14th, 2020
Enter the Pizza Gate - Bold New #PEDOGATE Documentary
May 28, 2020
PizzaGate: A Primer
January 31st, 2020.
Apr 10, 2020
The Fall of the Cabal Parts 1-10 - This video will shake you to the core of your being
May 3, 2020
Walnut Creek arrest reveals secret world of child sex trafficking; girls as young as 9 allegedly being bought and sold in the Bay Area
Oral surgeon investigated for sex tourism had dozens of hidden-camera devices, 1000s of child-porn images, police say
February 26, 2020
More than 900 sex offenders ‘disappear from police radar’ – with many changing their names and not telling officers
July 27, 2020
Pedophiles Turn To Drones? — Children Lured Off School Grounds By Talking Drone
Gives a whole other meaning to ‘predator drone’
October 11, 2017Akron Public Schools are warning parents about a suspicious drone “with voice technology” that reportedly had been flying in the area talking to children who were playing on school grounds.
Pakistan: Muslims kidnap Christian and Hindu underage girls, force them to convert to Islam and marry Muslims
Pakistan: Higher Court orders kidnapped Christian woman to stay with her Muslim kidnapper husband
Pakistan: Muslims gang-rape seven-year-old Christian girl, kidnap her father to stop him reporting them
India: Muslim accused of sexually assaulting 4-year-old girl blames her for enticing him
Pakistani publication worries Islam’s image tarnished by CAIR rep’s pedophilia arrest
Woman sold in public auction in Pakistan — for $3,200
Pakistan: Official panel that advises the government on Islamic law opposes laws against child marriage
Punished For Being Raped and For Accusing Rapists: Women's Burden Under Sharia
28 Oct 2014
ISIS has just be-headed a woman in Baquba because she dared to resist being raped. In the process of struggling to defend herself, she actually killed her would-be rapist, an ISIS warrior. The woman was at home recovering from a medical illness.
Pakistan: 12-year-old bride “was too afraid to talk to me as I often beat her to teach her manners”
May 11, 2014
Pakistan: Tribal council marries off 8-year-old girl to 26-year-old man
93% of women in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan experience sexual violence
Pakistan: 34% of women say men are justified in hitting wives if they argue back
Pakistan: Teen girl forced into sex slavery, then murdered by Muslim brother for “illicit relationships with some men”
Pakistan: Major Muslim orgs say law protecting women from abuse is un-Islamic
Pakistan: 675 “honor killings” in the first nine months of 2011
Pakistan: “800 women were victims of ‘honor killings’ — and 2,900 women reported raped — almost eight a day”
Pakistan: 500 women and girls murdered in Islamic honor killings each year, many more go unreported
Pakistan Taliban say they have 500 female jihad/martyrdom suicide bombers ready to die
Pakistan: Jihadists kidnap nine-year-old girl, try to use her as suicide bomber
India: Muslim men lure Hindu girls with promises of marriage, then they disappear: 84 Hindu girls missing this year
Pakistan: Forced conversions of Hindu girls to Islam “extremely common”
“Every Hindu in Pakistan is bearing atrocities, girls are kidnapped and forcibly converted but now, Hindu boys are being made to embrace Islam”
Pakistani Hindu: “Sexual assault, forced conversion, abduction and humiliation is all this country has given us”
Pakistan: 14-year-old girl kidnapped, forcibly converted to Islam
Pakistan: Catholic woman kidnapped, drugged, and forced to convert to Islam and marry a Muslim may now be sold abroad
India: Rich Muslims buying girls for temporary marriage
India: Female Muslim leader says women in tight clothes “pollute the environment,” provoke rape
Pakistan: Muslims rape and murder Christian boy, police register death as natural and not suspicious
Pakistan: Council of Islamic Ideology rules DNA tests not acceptable as primary evidence in rape cases
Pakistan: Rape victim jailed for “concealing” crime
Pakistan: Rape victim could be charged with adultery
Pakistan: Rape victim cannot travel abroad
Pakistan: Christian maid burned alive to keep her from reporting rape
Two-year-old raped and left to die because her father refused to convert to Islam
India: Muslim politician says women who are raped should be hanged
Pakistan: Muslim lawyers group threatens to “burn alive” anyone who defends murdered 12-year-old Christian
Business as usual: Pakistani Muslim lawyer accused of rape and murder of 12-year-old Christian girl released on bail
Arabian nightmares: Hyderabad still a thriving bride bazaar for rich Sheikhs
Oct 02, 2017
The recent arrests of eight Sheikhs and a Qazi for their involvement in trafficking and child marriages show how a network of brokers and racketeers lure poor parents into selling their daughters to rich Arabs in the name of marriage in Hyderabad.
Arab Sheiks arrested by the Hyderabad Police on September 20, when they came to the city in search of child brides.
Pakistan court orders 12 men freed in gang rape
Pakistan: Christian women and girls report sexual abuse; Muslim village chief expels 250 Christian families
We attended an Islamic religious convention, and the speaker said if you marry a non-Muslim or rape a non-Muslim girl, you will get 70 virgins in heaven”
Pakistan: Case Lowers Marriageable Age for Girls
Kashmiri child abuse
Motivated by jihad to pick up guns. From the India Times, with thanks to Nicolei:
Goliath Pedo Government Loses A Major Nemesis
Former Nebraska Senator fought to expose child sex rings in the U.S.
August 10, 2017
Watch Live: President Trump Commits to Fighting Child Sex Trafficking
POTUS vows to tackle child exploitation rings across the globe
July 13, 2017
Top Expert: Trump Behind Takedown Of Global Vatican Pedophile Network
July 3, 2017
------------Expert: Vatican/Clinton Foundation Worked Together To Traffic Children
Worldwide pedophile rings run by the elite are exposed
July 10, 2017
Full Show - Elites Panic As Pope’s Right-Hand Man Indicted For Child Rape - 06/29/2017
June 29. 2017
Cardinal Pell Is Just 1 of Over 8,000 Priests Accused of Pedophilia
How long will the Catholic church cover up for sexual predators
June 30, 2017
Eleven children who were forced to sleep in cages by their adoptive parents get $2 million settlement
- The children were between the ages of 1 and 14 when they were found in Norfolk, Ohio home in 2005
- Their adoptive parents Michael and Sharen Gravelle claimed the cages were for the kids' own safety - but they were later jailed for two years
- This settlement is with the Ohio county where three of the children had lived before they were placed at the home
Retired F.B.I Agent Explains What REALLY Goes On Behind The Scenes In America.
Jun 28, 2017
Women trafficked to Glasgow for sham marriages
May 10, 2017
HUMANS FOR SALE New shocking BBC documentary reveals human trafficking victims sold to Asian crime groups in Glasgow
Humans for Sale shows how victims are recruited by organised crime gangs before being sold to potential grooms
Glasgow's sex slave trade fears as Eastern European crime gangs 'plan to smuggle thousands of women' into Scotland
10 MAY 2017
Muslims Attack Journalist In England For Investigating Sex Slavery
Tommy Robinson has been attacked multiple times and the police have yet to do anything about it
May 19, 2017
Kincora 'VIP paedophile ring' victim Richard Kerr speaks out
Apr 7, 2015
Ex-Banker Claims He Was Invited to Take Part in Child Sacrifice Rituals
"These people were Luciferians"
May 2, 2017
Former SEAL: Take Down The Pedophile Elite
Attempt at documentary film has already been met with push back
April 30, 2017Infowars’ Michael Zimmerman speaks with former Navy SEAL Craig Sawyer at the NRA’s annual convention to discuss exposing the pedophile elite.
MSM Ignores Massive Pedo Investigation (video)
Swept under the rug…
April 27, 2017
FBI Arrests Muslims During Female Genital Mutilation Clinic Bust
April 23, 2017
Islamic law spreading in US
Three Muslims were charged with performing female genital mutilations on young girls in the Detroit area.All three of them have ties to the Dawoodi Bohra, an Islamic sect which advocates surgically removing the clitoris from girls as young as six to suppress their sexuality.
The practice, however, is internationally recognized as a violation of human rights.
Children Mutilated In The Name Of Islam
Female genital mutilation brought to U.S. by radical Islam
April 24, 2017
‘Horrible!’ Check out what Women’s March organizer Linda Sarsour said about Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Jan 26, 2017
Exclusive: Images Of Child Murder Rituals From Thousands Of Years Ago
April 24, 2017
INFOWARS EXCLUSIVE: Inside The Secret Pedophile Marketplace
Take a look into the sinister world of the dark web
April 13, 2017
Must Watch! The Worldwide Satanic Pedophile Cult Is Collapsing - FULL SHOW 8/21/20
Alex Jones Radio Show April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017
and 20:00, 1:55:00 Alex Claims that ISIS launched fake
gas attacks against Syria to overthrow the Assad regime. He also states
that many American generals want to take down ISIS and Assad. Assad was
also allowing Christians to live in Syria. Isis was trying to
destabilize the region to genocide Christians.
15:00 Muslims selling sex slaves in Libya and the media is covering this up.
17:00 The government is now shutting down independent media
17:30 Alex Jones talks about Russia
20:00 The media is covering-up Islamic terrorist attacks from around the world.
Libya, Somalia and Sudan are selling slaves. Migrants are being sold at
open slave markets in Libya, while the media covers this up.
49:00 The radio show states that Syria was a false flag attack.
55:00 Hillary got personal money for transferring nuclear reactors to North Korea.
1:09:00 The media covers up more Islamic terrorist attacks.
Saudi Arabia financed anti Assad fighters in Syria, this is also George
Soros funded. 2 million Christians were protected in Syria by Assad.
1:55:00 A caller states that Assad and Russia are fighting ISIS.]
George Soros’ Right Hand Man Accused of Rape And Human Trafficking
November 3, 2017
Report Exposes Child Sex Rings by UN Peacekeepers
April 12, 2017
A report compiled by the Associated Press detailed nearly 2,000 allegations of sexual abuse by UN peacekeepers and other personnel over the past 12 years, yet the majority of perpetrators escaped jail time due to lax enforcement by their respective governments of origin.
2000 allegations of sexual abuse over the past 12 years
March 10, 2017
“It’s not talked about enough. … And we’re going to talk about it”
The mainstream media (MSM) has kept silent as President Donald Trump in his first two months of office has overseen the arrests of more than 1,500 pedophiles, almost four times more than the 400 pedophiles arrested under President Obama in all of 2014.Recent arrest reports show that more than 1,500 sexual predators were busted for their involvement in child sex-trafficking rings in the United States since January 20, the day Donald Trump was inaugurated. A joint report by the Department of Justice and FBI reveals that for the entire year 2014, President Obama oversaw only 400 similar arrests.
Many people are taking note of these facts and asking why a so-called “objective” MSM is so selective in its reporting policies...
Unreported: 1,500 Pedophile Arrests Have Been Made Nationally Since Trump Took Office
February 28, 2017
Trump addressed how human trafficking is a “dire problem” domestically and internationally in meeting last week
President Donald Trump is making good on his pledge to use the “full force and weight” of the U.S. government to break up child sex trafficking rings and lock up sexual predators.
Since Trump was sworn in, authorities have arrested more than 1,500 pedophiles in the United States.
“This should be one of the biggest stories in the national news. Instead, the mainstream media has barely, if at all, covered any of these mass pedophile arrests. This begs the question – why?” Liz Crokin wrote for on Feb. 25.
The numbers are “staggering” when compared to the less than 400 sex trafficking-related arrests made in 2014 according to the FBI.
Massive Child Sex Ring Busted in CA — 474 Arrested, 28 Children Saved
February 1, 2017
Clinton's Latest Ties To Child Trafficking In Haiti Exposed
Feb 7, 2017
Fears that child traffickers are targeting Haitian orphans in quake chaos
Sanctuary City Sheriff Plans To Release Child Rapist After Arrest
Feb 15, 2017
Police Move Against Pedophile Networks Nationwide As Trump Takes Off
Feb 1, 2017
Researchers claim they may have ‘found’ China’s 30 million ‘missing’ girls
Academics often say China’s repressive one-child policy has led to reports that 30-60 million girls are missing, reportedly through sex-selective abortions or because they were killed after birth. But a new study from the University of Kansas and Shaanxi Normal University in China suggests that those millions of girls are not actually missing but are simply just not registered.
Chapter 2: Introduction
The following documentary, titled "The Monster of Belgium," shows how judges and government officials help assist in the cover-up of child kidnapping rings.
KILLERS : marc dutroux - (the monster of Belgium)
Mar 10, 2013
Dutroux's widely publicised trial had taken place in 2004. A number of shortcomings in the Dutroux investigation caused widespread discontent in Belgium with the country's criminal justice system, and the ensuing scandal was one of the reasons for the reorganisation of Belgium's law enforcement agencies.
{23:00 Dutroux was convicted of abduction and rape of five girls. Dutroux was released 3 years, from a 13 year prison sentence. Six years later Dutroux was found kidnapping multiple girls again.
25:00 The authorities search Dutroux's house. A locksmith tells the detective that he hears voices from a wall, yet the detective ignores it. Two girls were behind the wall and died 3 months later. Many people living in Belgium claim the authorities are protecting Dutroux.
29:30 Witnesses state that they have seen Dutroux at parties with prostitutes, including pedophilia was going on. High ranking businessmen, including politicians were at these parties. Many claim that this was a pedophile ring.
33:00 The judge investigating the pedophile rings was fired for having dinners with the families of the victims of Dutroux.
34:00 A detective states that he can give the names of hundreds of judges that would have dinners with victims, including lawyers with suspects.
38:00 An informant goes to the authorities about Dutroux, and dies two days later. His family thinks that he was poisoned. Another person that wanted to talk about Dutroux went missing, and they found his body}.
These accusations also question if high-ranking political officials in Belgium are involved in this scandal. As a civilization, we must put an end to these groups that are associated with child trafficking and kidnapping. This also includes organisations that try to cover-up abuses towards children.
Johnny Gosch abduction Disturbing interview from 2005 - Elite's pedophile playground
{1:00 The video starts out showing 4 different missing children tied up. They have been branded by a hot iron on their arm, leaving a symbol on their arm.
5:00 Johnny Gosch's mom states that the Friday night before Johnny Gosch was abducted, that he was seen talking to a police officer.
19:50 The police didn't want to distribute Johnny Gosch's picture. The police chief stated to the search party that Johnny Gosch was a runaway, and to call off the search effort.
24:00 The county Johnny Gosch lived in, the police refused help from other police departments for searching for the missing child.
30:00 Johnny Gosch's mother believes that the police chief was directly involved in the kidnapping of her child, then tried to cover-up the kidnapping.
31:00 Johnny Gosch's mom holds a press conference where she accused the police of not doing their job of finding her missing child. Three days after the press conference, she claims that she received a threatening call that stated if she didn't stop making waves, that she would be dead. Gosch's mother also states that she learned a number of years later that there was a pornography and prostitution ring of children in Nebraska, this later became the Franklin Credit Union Scandal. She also claims that another couple claims that the Iowa police tried to cover-up the death of their child as a suicide, that some believed was a kidnapping/ransom attempt that went bad.
1:07:00 - In 1988 80 children in Nebraska testified that they were used in an underage prostitution ring. One of the accusers testified and stated that he claimed the police chief was in on the prostitution ring. They later gave the person that tried to testify against the police chief perjury. Then threw that individual in prison so they could not testify. The individual also claimed that he was in the car the same morning Johnny Gosch was kidnapped.
1:15:00 One kidnapper testifies, stating that children were kidnapped, and then sold on a black market to a sex ring of pedophiles.
1:18:00 - Some children are kidnapped, then even 'brainwashed' into assisting with helping of the kidnapping of other children. These children can be used as scapegoats for this organised pedophile ring.
1:22:30 One of the kidnappers testified that prior arrangements were made with the father of Johnny Gosch, to kidnap his own son Johnny Gosch. They claim that this was mainly done for money}.
"Conspiracy of Silence" with extras, including John DeCamp interview
Nov 21, 2013
A true story about sex, child abuse, murder, and drugs, covered up by authorities. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. Many children suffered the indignity of wearing nothing but their underwear and a number displayed on a piece of cardboard hanging from their necks when being auctioned off to foreigners in Las Vegas, Nevada and Toronto, Canada. At the last minute before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired. Almost immediately, the rights to the documentary were purchased by unknown persons who had ordered all copies destroyed. A copy of this videotape was furnished anonymously to former Nebraska state senator and attorney John De Camp who made it available to retired F.B.I. chief, Ted L. Gunderson.
{1:00 - John DeCamp, a Vietnam vet and state Senator in Lincoln Nebraska accuses Boys Town Nebraska of having kidnapping pedophile rings. This ring is connected with the 'most respected' and powerful businessmen in Washington DC.
3:00 - Boys town was founded in 1917 by a Catholic Priest.
9:00 Many of the people that were named as being accused of being in this pedophile ring, were being mentioned. These names were Larry King, and that the authorities did not want to pursue certain names of 'well known' people. Many of these citizens were known as the richest and most influential people in power in the state. Many of these people were in Industry, media, politicians and policemen.
12:00 State Senator Laurence Schmidt was threatened if he would pursue the Franklin Credit Union Scandal. The caller stated that this would reach to the highest levels of the Republican Party. Others that were investigating the case were also threatened with phone calls}.
A couple of the members of the Sidney Cooke Pedophile ring have been set free, and are out in public once again.
The Sidney Cooke Paedophile ring
Sep 24, 2011
In his job as a fairground worker, Cooke was able to travel the country preying on vulnerable youngsters.Known by colleagues as Hissing Sid, he set up his children's 'Test Your Strength' machine at fairgrounds around the country using the opportunity to meet boys and lure them into depraved homosexual orgies.
With his sick friends Robert Oliver, Lennie Smith and Leslie Bailey, he would drug the children before subjecting them to brutal assaults.Cooke, who habitually dressed in a filthy suit and trilby hat, was one of a 1980s gang suspected of being responsible for the killing of up to nine young boys during sex orgies.Operating from a flat on the Kingsmead estate in Hackney, east London, the gang hired rent boys or snatched children off the streets and subjected them to horrific sexual torture
{13:00 Sidney Cooke worked at a train station and would lure children around the country with free rides on a train. Then Cooke and his gang would abduct children from train stations.
30:00 The press in the UK would cover-up child murders, including kidnappings, and let people get away with murder.
38:00 - The Crown Prosecution Service gave the kidnappers manslaughter instead of murder, the kidnappers were originally charged with murder. Then the Crown Prosecution Service downplayed it to manslaughter. Sidney Cooke received 19 years, other kidnappers of the gang received 15 years, including 13 and a half years. Sidney Cooke's sentence was reduced from 19 years by 3 years}.
The Azimuth Trust paedophile ring
May 14, 2013
[00:15 A doctor named Morris Fraser abuses multiple kids, while the establishment kept allowing Doctor Morris Fraser to keep working as a doctor. Morris Fraser has been jailed in the past for abusing boys. The general medical council knows about this, but refuse to strike him off.
2:45 At a house called Fiddlers Grove, was an art exhibition, there were several pedophiles there.
5:00 Fraser was linked to a man named Peter Righton who was a senior government advisor on child care, a man in a position of great trust. They both knew Charles Napier, a diplomat who was jailed in the past,for sexually abusing boys. A network of pedophiles is operating here and abroad.]
Bosnia: The United Nations, human trafficking and prostitution
21 August 2002
There is mounting evidence that the United Nations has carried out a cover-up of the role played by its personnel in human trafficking and prostitution in Bosnia—a trade that has grown astronomically since the establishment of the Western protectorate seven years ago.An American woman who served with the International Police Task Force (IPTF) in Bosnia recently won a case of unfair dismissal against a US State Department sub-contractor, after she was sacked for reporting an alleged prostitution racket involving other serving officers.
Kathryn Bolkovac was an employee of DynCorp Technical Services, one of the US government’s top 25 service providers with 23,000 employees worldwide. In Bosnia DynCorp provides maintenance support for the US military, as well as recruiting American officers for the international police force through its UK subsidiary, DynCorp Aerospace Operations Ltd. DynCorp has earned $1 billion since 1995 for providing maintenance to the US military worldwide. The contract to provide recruitment for the IPTF is valued at $15 million.
The case against DynCorp Aerospace Operations Ltd was brought under the UK Public Interest Disclosure legislation, known as the “whistleblowers charter”, which protects employees who make disclosures about malpractice within their company. Bolkovac had been posted to Sarajevo in 1999 to investigate traffic in young women from Eastern Europe who were forced into prostitution.
“When I started collecting evidence from the victims of sex-trafficking, it was clear that a number of UN officers were involved from several different countries, including quite a few from Britain,” she said. “I was shocked, appalled and disgusted. They were supposed to be over there to help, but they were committing crimes themselves. But when I told the supervisors they didn’t want to know.”
Rotherham sex scandal: More than 160 officers facing claims they ignored victims' pleas
Aug 26, 2015
ROTHERHAM abuse scandal investigators are probing more than 160 police officers over allegations they systematically ignored complaints of widespread child sexual exploitation.
Massive paedophile ring uncovered by police in Norway after arrest of 51 men
Authorities seize 150 terabytes of data, including photos, videos and chat transcripts.
Police in Norway have filed charges against 51 men suspected of involvement in a massive paedophile ring.
Authorities seized 150 terabytes (150,000 gigabytes) of data, including photos, videos and chat transcripts between members of various paedophile networks.
Known as ‘Dark Room’, the police operation revealed sexual assaults against children as young as babies, according to The Local.
“The material shows the abuse of children of all ages, including infants,” Hilde ReikrÃ¥s, head of Operation Dark Room, said at a news conference.
“The material shows, among other things, the penetration of toddlers, children being tied up, children having sex with animals and children having sex with other children.”
All of the men arrested live in Norway, but police confirmed they were investigating one individual living abroad. It is considered one of the largest sexual abuse cases ever in the country.
Ms Reikrås said those detained had met each other on the dark net; an ungoverned space online where users can surf with more anonymity.
One of the men who was awaiting the birth of his child with his girlfriend discussed plans to sexually abuse the baby once it was born, police said.
Some of those detained had live-streamed abuse of their own children. Those arrested include two elected officials, one teacher and a lawyer.
Norwegian police reportedly began their investigation after a tip-off from the FBI.
The 51 facing charges can receive a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison.
Chapter 3: Hollywood connections
We can even see many problems with pedophile rings in Hollywood.
Pedophiles in Hollywood Conspiracy
Dec 29, 2014
00:01 CNN states that Corey Feldman says that pedophiles are everywhere in the business. Corey Feldman blames to death of his actor friend, Corey Haim, from being killed by this pedophile ring. Corey Haim tried to go public, and died just months later.
3:00 Feldman states that pedophiles existed everywhere around Hollywood, and these pedophiles preyed on him and Corey Haim.
4:30 Corey Haim asks Corey Feldman, what Feldman did to intervene, when Feldman saw Haim being raped, when Haim was age 14. Feldman replies, that he was being molested at the same time as well.
John Collins-Rector was one of the founders of Digital Entertainment
Network. John Collins-Rector is convicted of child trafficking, for the
purpose of sex. He is now a registered sex offender.
Rock Star Admits He’s Been to Snuff Parties Where People Are Murdered For Fun
May 29, 2015
May 23, 2016
Elijah Wood: Hollywood’s child sex abuse comparable to Jimmy Savile case
Elijah Wood, the actor who took his first film role aged eight before starring in the Lord of the Rings movies, has said that organised sexual abuse of children in Hollywood is rife.
Speaking to the Sunday Times, Wood said that although he had been protected as a child – mainly through the efforts of his mother, who stopped him going to parties – many of his peers were regularly “preyed upon”.
Wood, now 35, drew parallels between such experiences and the prolific sexual abuse perpetrated by TV host Jimmy Savile. “You all grew up with Savile,” said Wood. “Jesus, it must have been devastating. Clearly something major was going on in Hollywood. It was all organised. There are a lot of vipers in this industry – people who only have their own interests in mind.”
“There is darkness in the underbelly,” he added. “If you can imagine it, it’s probably happened.”
The actor said he felt that such crimes continue to be unpunished because the victims “can’t speak as loudly as people in power”. “That’s the tragedy of attempting to reveal what is happening to innocent people. They can be squashed, but their lives have been irreparably damaged.”
Allegations against senior figures in Hollywood have increased in recent years. Last year, Amy Berg’s documentary An Open Secret alleged similar levels of collusion over child molestation in the film industry.
In 2012, the actor Corey Feldman spoke out about the threat he felt in the 1980s, saying he was “surrounded” by abusers, with around 15 older men “leching around like vultures”.
Bizparentz, a group founded to help child actors, claims around 100 active abusers are currently being sheltered, and says a “tsunami” of cases is pending.
Chapter 4: Royal connections---------------
Royal cover up: Police censor Jimmy Savile interview transcript
But the 26 pages - which exposed the evil pervert as a bully and a liar - came with 96 redactions (crossings out).
Today we can reveal the documents had been vetted by Buckingham Palace - and that the serial sex attacker's royal connections were removed.
One reference Savile made about a cousin of the Queen was included in an internal police report released in January.
But on Tuesday, when Surrey Police published the interview transcripts, there was no mention of her.
Other references to royalty were also seemingly erased - and during our fight to obtain the records, police let slip Buckingham Palace's involvement.
Tony Smith, the force's information access manager, made the reference as he explained why it was taking so long to release the documents.
He told us that, as well as going to a senior police chief outside the force, the papers had gone "to Buckingham Palace to consider...because they are mentioned in it".
And Savile - given an OBE by the Queen in 1972, followed by a knighthood in 1990 - was someone who liked to name-drop his royal connections.
The presenter, who died in 2011 aged 84, two years after Surrey's bungled probe into sex abuse claims, often boasted of his friendship with Prince Charles. He was also a confidant of Princess Diana and claimed to have helped the Duchess of York as her marriage to Prince Andrew fell apart.
Crucially, in his 1974 autobiography Savile boasted of his friendship with the same cousin of the Queen he mentioned in the 2009 police interview.
Blair's Protection of Elite Paedophile Rings Spells the End for His Career
Jan 2, 2015
In this scandal, Tony Blair reveals not only that the highest levels of
the British government are pedophiles, but that both the CIA and the FBI
gather dirt on these politicians, in order to coerce them to invade
sovereign nations for the purpose of stealing gold and oil and gaining
control over lucrative poppy fields, involved in the worldwide, heroin
drug trade.
Everyone should be aware of the crimes committed by this
group of perverts! When Adolf Hitler criticized Catholic priests for
molesting young boys, it was coming from one of the worst human beings
who ever lived and those priests were routinely murdering kids, as
today's heads of government are
We need to spread truth, in a form
that we find credible and no 100 year gag order should stop us from
telling everyone about these crimes.
The old excuse is that we must
keep the crimes of pedophiles a secret to protect kids who are victims
of these crimes! Can you believe it?
This is like the Federal Reserve telling us that we need inflation, as if the old people on fixed incomes need higher prices!
How stupid do they think we are?
you hear what the writer says about how often the 100 year gag order is
used and for which kinds of deeds, you will know that Tony Blair
covered for those who kill kids and he should burn in hell for this!
Paedophiles & Parliament
Aug 27, 2014
Powerful Paedophile Ring Linked to Parliament Exposed
Oct 25, 2012
There is "clear intelligence" suggesting a historic paedophile ring may be linked to Downing Street and a former prime minister, MPs have been told.
Labour MP Tom Watson alleged a member of a notorious group was connected to a former No 10 aide.
He said: "The evidence file used to convict Peter Righton, if it still exists, contains clear intelligence of a widespread paedophile ring.
"One of its members boasts of his links to a senior aide of a former prime minister, who says he could smuggle indecent images of children from abroad.
"The leads were not followed up, but if the files still exist, I want to ensure that the Metropolitan Police secure the evidence, re-examine it and investigate clear intelligence suggesting a powerful paedophile network linked to Parliament and No 10."
Speaking at Prime Minister's Questions in the Commons, David Cameron said it was a "very difficult and complex case" and he was "not entirely sure" to which former prime minister Mr Watson was referring.
The Prime Minister said he would look at the case "very carefully and see what the Government can do to help give" Mr Watson the assurances he wanted.
Exposed:A World Run By Powerful Pedophiles
Mar 5, 2015
Four decades later those chickens have come home to roost as evidence escalates on the cancerous perversion that has festered secretly in the backrooms of the elite. Criminal activity the bought and paid for politicians and media ignore in the interest of national security.
Royal Family and UK Government Pedophiles Exposed!
Jan 19, 2015
There are elite ViP pedophile rings that go to the very top levels of government and power.
The Royal Secret Pedophile Network Exposed
Jan 6, 2015
Royal Family: Vultures On The Corpse Of Humanity
Dec 9, 2014
High Court judge and the child sex ring: Adviser to Queen was founder of paedophile support group to keep offenders out of jail
- Lord Justice Fulford was named last year as an adviser to the Queen
- He was a key backer of the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange
- Police suspect the group of abusing children on an 'industrial scale'
- He is revealed as a founder member of campaign to defend PIE
- At the time it was calling for the age of consent to be lowered to just four
UK Lord Justice wanted age of consent to 4 years old
Lord Justice Fulford, pictured in his full legal regalia, actively campaigned to support a pedophile group that tried to legalize sex with children.
Photo courtesy of the UK Daily Mail.
Read: High Court judge and the child sex ring: Adviser to Queen was founder of paedophile support group to keep offenders out of jail
- Lord Justice Fulford was named last year as an adviser to the Queen
- He was a key backer of the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange
- Police suspect the group of abusing children on an ‘industrial scale’
- He is revealed as a founder member of campaign to defend PIE
UK’s First Female Sharia Council Judge Defends Rape and Violence
Sharia Court Leads to Rape in UK
Chapter 5: Epstein Island
UK's Prince Andrew Steps Up Denial of Underage Sex
By On 1/5/15------------
Lawyer Named in Prince Andrew 'Sex Slave' Case Seeks to Disbar Accusers
By On 1/6/15
Jeffrey Epstein: The Sex Offender Who Mixes With Princes and Premiers
Epstein is being accused of
sexual abuse by Virginia Roberts, having previously pleaded guilty in
2008 to soliciting prostitution with a minor and was jailed for 18
months. Former president Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew have all
been known to spend time with the billionaire.
Bill Clinton identified in lawsuit against his former friend and pedophile Jeffrey Epstein who had 'regular' orgies at his Caribbean compound that the former president visited multiple times
March 19, 2014
- The former president was friends with Jeffrey Epstein, a financier who was arrested in 2008 for soliciting underage prostitutes
- A new lawsuit has revealed how Clinton took multiple trips to Epstein's private island where he 'kept young women as sex slaves'
- Clinton was also apparently friends with a woman who collected naked pictures of underage girls for Epstein to choose from
- He hasn't cut ties with that woman, however, and invited her to Chelsea's wedding
- Comes as friends now fear that if Hillary Clinton runs for president in 2016, all of their family's old scandals will be brought to the forefront
- Epstein has a host of famous friends including Prince Andrew who stayed at his New York mansion AFTER his arrest
EXCLUSIVE: Pedophile billionaire emerges grinning from the shadows with young blonde companion (and velvet slippers) – and is set to rattle Hillary Clinton’s White House campaign over sex scandal links to Bill
- Epstein, 62, is a former friend of Bill Clinton who gave him his private jet and donated $25,000 to Clinton foundation after abuse investigation began
- Republican campaign strategists are keen to highlight links between Bill Clinton and the pedophile
- Epstein took Bill on private jet for tour of Africa and Epstein's close friend Ghislaine Maxwell was guest at Chelsea Clinton's wedding
- Billionaire was last seen four years ago but retains homes in Manhattan, Florida and on his private American Virgin Island – where he hosted Bill
- Has re-emerged after explosive court claims that he provided underage girl for sex with Prince Andrew – which the British royal publicly denied
Donald Trump questions Bill Clinton's ties to Jeffrey Epstein (Video)
Orgy Island and The Bill Clinton Sex Scandal
Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” — even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights, according to records obtained by
(Shadowland: From Jeffrey Epstein to the Clintons, from Obama and Biden to the Occult Elite: Exposing the Deep-State Actors at War with Christianity, Donald Trump, and America's Destiny).
4chan story - /x/ - Working for Epstein
Jul 9, 2020
Epstein, Bean & Buck: The Democratic Donors' Sex-Creep Club
July 10, 2019
Well, well, well. "Follow the facts," Democratic strategist Christine Pelosi now advises fellow liberals in the wake of billionaire and high-flying political financier Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking indictment this week. Some of "our faves" could be implicated in the long-festering scandal, the Pelosi daughter warned, so it's time to "let the chips fall where they may."
Too bad Ms. Pelosi's mommy hasn't adopted that same attitude of accountability. While serving as the highest-ranking elected woman in America for decades, San Fran Nan has chronically downplayed, whitewashed or excused the sleazy habits and alleged sexual improprieties of a long parade of Dem pervs -- from former San Diego Mayor Bob Filner to former New York Reps. Eric Massa and Anthony Wiener to former Oregon Rep. David Wu to former Michigan Rep. John Conyers and current presidential candidate Joe Biden.
Since the woke-ty woke Democrats are now gung-ho on undoing special treatment of wealthy liberal sex creeps, perhaps they will soon be revisiting the matter of two of their other "faves," Oregon real estate mogul and deep-pocketed left-wing White House donor Terry Bean and West Hollywood Clinton pal Ed Buck.
Here, let me help.
Terry Bean is the prominent gay rights activist who co-founded the influential Human Rights Campaign organization. He is also a veteran member of the board of the HRC Foundation, which disseminates Common Core-aligned "anti-bullying" material to children's schools nationwide.
Like Epstein, Bean had a penchant for rubbing elbows and riding on planes with the powerful. Upon doling out more than $500,000 for President Barack Obama and the Democrats in 2012, he was rewarded with a much-publicized exclusive Air Force One ride with Obama. His Flickr account boasted glitzy pics with Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton.
Like Epstein, Bean also had a thing for young minors. In 2014, a grand jury charged him with horrifying sexual abuse allegations involving multiple victims -- including a 15-year-old boy. After a sweeping investigation led by the Portland police department's sex crime units and two county district attorney's offices, authorities charged Bean with two felony counts of third-degree sodomy and one misdemeanor count of third-degree sex abuse. His 20-something boyfriend, Kiah Lawson, was indicted on third-degree sodomy and third-degree sexual abuse.
Allegations of Bean's lurid sexual trysts with young men, which Lawson says the Democratic donor secretly videotaped, first surfaced in the local Willamette Week newspaper five years ago. Police say the pair enticed a 15-year-old boy to a hotel in Eugene, Oregon, after meeting him through the iPhone app Grinder, which helps men locate "local gay, bi and curious guys for dating."
Bean wriggled out of prosecution by publicly dangling $220,000 a cash "compromise" with the alleged victim, who then suddenly refused to testify against him. A judge in the county where the politically influential Bean family reigned, promptly dismissed the charges. Case closed? Not so fast.
In January, government investigators filed new charges against Bean and Lawson after the alleged underage victim, now an adult, revealed that he had been ripped off by his attorney, who reportedly never delivered Bean's payoff. The criminal trial is scheduled to begin in August. In May, a second alleged juvenile victim of Bean's came forward with a civil lawsuit alleging the Dem donor sexually abused him three times when he was 17. The state Democratic party and several federal officials who have received donations from Bean have declined to return the money.
Then there's Ed Buck, another Democratic gay rights leader and moneyman whose West Hollywood den was the scene of not one, but two overdose deaths of black men he allegedly paid for sex and drugs. An independent journalist/blogger, Jasmyne Cannick, who has investigated Buck's sordid activities for several years, warned authorities that the influential campaign contributor was a "predator" who lured vulnerable minority men into his filthy orbit. This week, the mother of one of the dead men alleged Buck violated federal human trafficking laws and "knowingly utilized interstate commerce" to entice the victim to California "for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts." Family members will mark the two-year anniversary of the death of one of the victims, Gemmel Moore, at the end of this month.
Buck has donated more than a half-million dollars to top California Democrats including current Gov. Gavin Newsom, former Gov. Jerry Brown, LA Mayor Eric Garcetti, and LA District Attorney Jackie Lacey.
That's a lot of chips falling in the coffers of the party that claims to care most about sex assault and human trafficking victims.
Will Pelosi "follow the facts," like her daughter recommends, or continue to cover up?
Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known
May 13, 2016Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” -- even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights, according to records obtained by
Clinton’s presence aboard Jeffrey Epstein’s Boeing 727 on 11 occasions has been reported, but flight logs show the number is more than double that, and trips between 2001 and 2003 included extended junkets around the world with Epstein and fellow passengers identified on manifests by their initials or first names, including “Tatiana.” The tricked-out jet earned its Nabakov-inspired nickname because it was reportedly outfitted with a bed where passengers had group sex with young girls.
Court Papers: Trump Ate At Jeffrey Epstein’s House
Nov. 25, 2015
This February, as Donald Trump cleared his throat for a presidential run, he threw some innuendo in the direction of Bill Clinton.
Clinton has “a lot of problems coming up in my opinion with the famous island with Jeffrey Epstein. A lot of problems,” he told the Conservative Political Action Conference.
Reporters have since pointed out that Trump has his own ties to Epstein, a financier who was arrested in 2006 and accused of sexual abuse by 40 different women, with many alleging they were teenagers at the time, some younger than 14.
Trump has distanced himself from the financier, who pleaded guilty to soliciting an underage prostitute. In July, a source close to Trump told Politico that “there was no formal relationship” between the Trump and Epstein. And in January, a Trump spokesman told Gawker that the candidate only knew Epstein because he would occasionally go to the Trump-owned Mar-a-Lago, “the hottest and most luxurious club in Palm Beach.” And Epstein’s former “houseman,” Juan Alessi, testified that while Epstein’s lawyer Alan Dershowitz received massages at the Palm Beach mansion, Trump never did because “he’s got his own spa.” (Dershowitz has in court papers categorically denied any untoward behavior, calling allegations against him “salacious and false.”)
One Question the Media Refuses to Ask Donald Trump
August 28, 2015
Why is Donald Trump’s name listed in a known pedophile’s “little black book?”
What is Trump’s role, if any, in the alleged sex rings operated by billionaire Jeffrey Epstein?In early January of 2015, it was reported by the Daily Mail, then Gawker, and then Newsweek, that Donald Trump was listed among the friends of Jeffrey Epstein. Little is known about exactly how Epstein made his billions, but he is connected to many powerful businessmen — and royalty. Some of his friends include Prince Andrew, Duke of York. Newsweek wrote:
“‘An American woman called Virginia Roberts – now a married, 31-year-old mother of three – has filed an affidavit in a Florida federal court in which she swears in gruesome detail that the late press baron and pension fiddler Robert Maxwell’s daughter Ghislaine recruited her to satisfy the sexual needs of billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein and his friends. Those friends, according to Roberts, included the Duke of York, now fifth in line to the throne, and celebrity lawyer Alan Dershowitz (best known for getting Claus von Bulow’s conviction for murdering his wife overturned). Buckingham Palace have denied everything more than once. Dershowitz is suing. From 1999 onwards, when she was just 15, Virginia spent much of her time on Epstein’s Boeing 727 – nickname, the ‘Lolita Express’ – on an unsavoury kind of world tour that included, she says, an orgy with Andrew on Epstein’s private island of Little St James, or ‘Little St Jeff.’ as it became known.”
Among the friends of Epstein are Stephen Hawking, Kevin Spacey, and even Bill Clinton (perhaps someone should ask Hillary about Epstein). So what exactly happened with “Little St. Jeff?” Newsweek continued:
“Some presidents and princes, having acquired a taste for the trappings of high office or monarchy, find it hard to resist the allure of the private jet. There were obviously other attractions for Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton – the private island in the Caribbean described by former staff as ‘like a five star hotel where nobody paid,’ the pretty girls offering massages, the on-tap chat about theoretical physics – but with his 600 flying hours a year to play with, usually with guests on board – Epstein had a lot of flight leverage. Which is why in this unseemly saga, just as Prince Andrew is being forced to issue what feel like daily denials about accusations of having sex with an underage girl at Mr Epstein’s many houses, eye-popping names surface in the Caribbean sea.”
The Billionaire Pedophile Who Could Bring Down Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton
Some people that defend Trump for being on Epstein Island, they state that Trump was on Epstein Island. They claim that Trump shortly left the island, and had nothing to do with the pedophilia ring on the island. They state that some people that go on the island, have nothing to do with the pedophile ring on the island.. Some question why both President Clinton and President Trump have both been to Epstein island, it does not look good to many people.
Scarborough: Bill Clinton’s Association with Sex Offender Jeffrey Epstein ‘Big Problem’ for Hillary — Donald Trump Will Use
Spirit Cooking: Strange Solomon's Temple on Epstein's Island
Nov 5, 2016
Saagar Enjeti: BOMBSHELL development as Epstein accuser NAMES former Israeli Prime Minister
Jun 24, 2020
Chapter 6: International news
Even many countries such as Mexico have a very high rate of corruption in their government. Human trafficking and kidnapping is rampant in Mexico.
80% Of Central American Women, Girls Are Raped Crossing Into The U.S.
Most Central American Juvenile Immigrants Are Being Abducted and Trafficked On Their Way to the U.S.
August 20th, 2014
What happened to the Central American children who supposedly were coming north to the United States on the “Beast” train? It is true that tens of thousands of children, if not more, left their country of origin to make the long and dangerous trek to the United States. However, as my Border Patrol sources have repeatedly emphasized, the number of juvenile illegal immigrants that were detained constituted a very low percentage of the actual detainees in the recent Central American illegal immigrant invasion of the United States.Since we know that these children left their countries of origin, a reasonable person has to ask “Where did they end up”? In the following video, contains a brilliant and stunning piece of investigative journalism by Jim Stone, as he exposes the fact that the vast majority of the departing Central American children never make it as far as central Mexico. Therefore, one must conclude that these children are being taken off the train and are being used in another criminal enterprise.
Rape Deniers: 9 Facts About Illegal Alien Crime The Media Covers Up
10 Jul 2015
Did you know that in the state of Texas alone over the last few years, more than 2000 illegal aliens were deported after committing sex crimes?Did you know that in the state of Texas alone over the last few years, nearly a thousand illegal aliens have been convicted of sex crimes against children?
Of course you didn’t. The media has covered these horrors up for years, and even after Donald Trump dared reveal these horrors, the rape-deniers in the media continue to cover them up. The media is covering up all kinds of horrific statistic regarding illegal aliens. Before we get to those, let’s start with why.
To Democrats and their media allies, a few hundred raped children a year is seen as a small price to pay for the political benefits that come with an unsecure border. Mexicans vote 3-to-1 for Democrats. Now to Trump specifically…
Anger grows over Mexico's missing as drug cartels turn to human trafficking
Sunday 19 October 2014
It is still unclear why or under whose orders the students were abducted, but the case has heaped pressure on the government not only to solve the crime but also address the wider problem of forced disappearances that affects great swathes of Mexico.
How Mexico’s Cartels Are Behind the Border Kid Crisis
Mexico’s drug gangs have taken over the human-trafficking business along the border, and agents suspect they may have a hand in the unprecedented number of underage migrants stagnating in Texas’s detention centers.
Fear silences human trafficking victims: Mexico prosecutor
Even many human rights organisations are not concerned with slavery going on, in places such as Dubai, as we see eight minutes into the video "Slaves of Dubai."
Slaves of Dubai
Aug 8, 2012
For months, the BBC's Ben Anderson hung out around the glittering, insane towers springing up in Dubai trying to infiltrate the community of expatriate workers who are putting them up. What he found when he finally got in was that the jewel of the Arab world is almost entirely built upon imported slave labor.
Why Yemen Won't Ban Child Marriage and Rape
Oct 14, 2013
They say that Mexico is one of the most corrupt countries on this planet. Kyrgyzstan is among the twenty countries in the world, with the highest perceived level of corruption.
Bride Kidnapping in Kyrgyzstan
Jun 19, 2012
Is the US Ignoring Human Trafficking Abuses to Score Its TPP Trade Deal?
July 17, 2015
...In the first three months of 2015, smugglers and human traffickers transported 25,000 migrants along this route — double the rate from the year before, according to the UN High Commissioner on Refugees. Traffickers often charge ransoms or force migrants into debt-peonage, Alice Nah, an expert on human trafficking at the University of York, told VICE News.
The problem extends far beyond the mass graves. In 2014, Malaysia was home to nearly four million foreign workers who staff its burgeoning construction, electronics, and services industries. Nearly a third of workers in the electronics industry and a third of migrants in Malaysia overall are either trafficked or forced to work, according to Nah.
"The government knows it and doesn't do anything about it," she said.
According to the latest State Department and UN reports, Malaysia allows employers to seize worker passports, charge exorbitant fees for "employment recruitment," and withhold pay with impunity, even if many of these practices are technically illegal.
The situation is especially dire for those fleeing to Malaysia from nearby conflict zones. "Refugees in Malaysia lack formal status or the ability to obtain work permits under Malaysian law," reads the 2014 TIP report. The State Department suggested a number of concrete steps the Malaysian government should take to upgrade its status: enforce laws that prohibit employers from confiscating passports, crack down on the exploitative labor recruitment and the forced labor industry, and allow victims of human trafficking who are currently detained in government facilities while awaiting deportation to seek work in the interim...
Nearly Two-Thirds of Human Trafficking Victims Are from Asia
According to the GSI, India, China, Pakistan, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Thailand are in the top 10 countries with the highest number of trafficking victims in the world. India tops the list with 14 million victims of trafficking, China comes in second at 3.2 million, and Pakistan is third with 2.1 million trafficking victims. India and Pakistan are also in the top 10 countries in the world with the highest prevalence of human trafficking.
U.S. Cites Russia Among Worst in Human Trafficking
Jun. 20, 2013
WASHINGTON — An annual U.S. State Department report on Wednesday cited Russia among the world's worst offenders in fighting forced labor and sex trafficking, which could lead to U.S. sanctions, prompting an angry rebuttal from Moscow.The report said Russia had failed to provide systematic safeguards for victims of trafficking. The U.S. designation drops Russia and China, which are already often at odds with Washington, in the same category as North Korea and Iran.
The State Department ranks countries according to the efforts they make to fight human trafficking. Russia, China and Uzbekistan all fell to the lowest level, Tier 3.
Russia's Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying the report used "unacceptable methodology," grouping countries according to their degree of sympathy with Washington.
"In fighting organized crime, including countering trafficking, Russian authorities will never follow instructions worked out in another country, let alone fulfill conditions presented nearly in the form of an ultimatum," it said.
Russia, China continue to allow human trafficking
Human trafficking in Russia
Efforts to crack down on human trafficking in Russia focus not only on the men, woman and children who are illegally shipped out of Russia to undergo forced labor and sexual exploitation in other countries, but also those who are illegally brought into Russia from abroad. The Government of the Russian Federation has made significant progress in this area over the past decade, but a report commissioned by the United States Department of State in 2010 concluded that much more needed to be done before Russia could be taken off its Tier 3 watchlist. The Government has not made significant progress and that is why it was moved to the tier 3 list in 2011.
Allegations of complicity
Corruption has been identified as both an "underlying root cause and a facilitating tool" for human trafficking, ensuring that it "remains a low-risk, high profit crime". Corruption can take many forms, including forging documents, and falsifying travel visa's and documents, as well as protection money to the officials to ensure a lack of investigation.The Government of the Russian Federation has demonstrated minimal progress in combating government complicity in human trafficking. In February 2010, several media sources reported on one allegation that a high-level official in the Ministry of Internal Affairs was involved in a forced labor trafficking ring spanning from 2006 through 2008. In that case, members of the elite riot police allegedly kidnapped dozens of migrant workers and forced them to work on police construction projects and also the personal homes of high-level police officials. In January 2010, a senior district police commissioner in Astrakhan was convicted and sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment for taking passports and travel documents from migrants and forcing them to work as agricultural laborers.[2]
During the reporting period in 2009, the Moscow district military court prosecuted, convicted, and sentenced one senior military officer to 10 years’ imprisonment for organizing an international sex trafficking syndicate which was allegedly responsible for trafficking 130 women and girls between 1999 and 2007; the government did not report whether two additional high-level government officials investigated by authorities in this case in 2008 were prosecuted or convicted during the reporting period.[2]
The government reported no progress on two additional investigations reported in the 2009 TIP Report – one investigation involved a low-level police officer arrested for trafficking women to the U.A.E. and the second investigation involved two low-level police officers arrested for trafficking women within Russia for forced prostitution; these investigations were still on-going at the end of the reporting period. There was no updated information on whether the three officials that were arrested for trafficking-related complicity in 2007 – as reported in the 2008 and 2009 TIP Reports – were prosecuted, convicted, or punished during the reporting period. There was no updated information on whether the five military officials investigated in 2007 for the labor exploitation of military conscripts under their command were prosecuted, convicted, or punished for their actions during the reporting period.[2]
Lack of Investigation
Many officials share a lack of initiative with respect to instigating an investigation. There are many reasons for this. One is the centralized, hierarchical policing system. Investigation and prosecution are divided into 2 groups. These groups answer to the MVD. For fear of reprimand, lower ranking officials are less inclined to initiate investigations. Investigations into human trafficking are only conducted with consent from higher-ranking officials. Furthermore, investigations are extended as there is no cross-agency to encourage cooperation with prosecution and investigation.
Human Trafficking in Africa
Kenya’s Criminals Tap a Growth Industry: Kidnapping
OCT. 11, 2009
Senegal's Paedophilia Problem (1998)
Nov 30, 2016
{3:00 Pedophile rings try to buy people off}.
The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia (Full Length Documentary)
Jun 13, 2012
VICE travels to West Africa to rummage through the messy remains of a country ravaged by 14 years of civil war. Despite the United Nation's eventual intervention, most of Liberia's young people continue to live in abject poverty, surrounded by filth, drug addiction, and teenage prostitution. The former child soldiers who were forced into war have been left to fend for themselves, the murderous warlords who once led them in cannibalistic rampages have taken up as so-called community leaders, and new militias are lying in wait for the opportunity to reclaim their country from a government they rightly mistrust.
Haiti's Brutal Kidnapping Frenzy
May 21, 2012
For downloads and more information visit
"The situation is hard now. After president Aristede left, I lost my income from him. Now I kidnap and I have killed a lot of people." He is one of many kidnappers who lost their jobs as hired thugs when the dictator Arisitde was overthrown in 2004. Now they negotiate up to $4000 for the release of a captive. "This is Haiti man, a gangsters' paradise, get what you need and then get out."
The Boy Business '' Pedophilia in Amsterdam ''
Mar 2, 2013
Cutting Edge - Child Sex Trade Part 1
Apr 22, 2009
Ritual child abuse in France: German documentary pt. 1/5
Apr 20, 2011
Rumours about these pedophile networks are not uncommon. The Casa Pia case in Portugal, the Dutroux case in Belgium, the Franklin affair in the USA and the Zandvoort affair in the Netherlands to name but a few- in all these cases there have been allegations of cover-ups and involvement of people in high societal standing, and investigations seldom lead to a satisfactory result- the Portuguese Casa Pia scandal, where politicians and a national tv-show host were actually convicted, being the proverbial black swan.
Noemi, in this documentary, claims to have met Marc Dutroux, the Belgian pedophile who was convicted for kidnapping and killing several girls in the late 1990's, through her father. If this is true, it is explosive evidence of the case reaching beyond national borders, something that has always been suspected by researchers.
The two girls and the boy's stories are horrible beyond imagination- not only involving abuse, but also child-murders, infant sacrifices and instances of cannibalism. It's tempting to dismiss their stories as the product of imagination, given the trauma they have been through, but it should be stated that these testimonies are very similar to what the 'X-witnesses' in the Dutroux affair claimed.
There is an excellent book, 'the X-files; what Belgium wasn't allowed to know about the Dutroux affair' in which three investigative journalists research the story of Regina Louf, aka witness 'X-1'. She was the first to come forward with her story. Many believed her but then the press instigated a character assassination. The writers of this book however, not only find many credible details in her story, about never resolved murders of young girls in Belgium, but they also show beyond a doubt the whole investigation into the case was deliberately derailed by Belgian Justice.
Forced Into Prostitution and Selling Your Own Organs - Moldova
Jan 24, 2008
Europe's Poorest Country - Moldova: The impoverished inhabitants are being forced into prostitution and selling their organs just to survive.
13:00 One girl is sold as a sex slave, then had a miscarriage and an abortion, after being abused in a police station in Albania.
How Indonesia's Child Sex Trade Made It A Paedophile's Paradise
Sep 21, 2007
Cambodia's Child Sex Trade Is Spiraling Out of Control
Sep 21, 2007
Colombia’s coffee region threatened by mining, urbanization and human trafficking: Study
Colombia’s iconic coffee farming communities are being threatened by mining, urbanization and sex tourism, a study group said on Monday.
In an interview with newspaper El Colombiano, scholars of the Manizales branch of the National University expressed their dismay at developments that could drastically affect their region’s way of life.
Living in the Sewers of Colombia
May 18, 2012
We need to help the people of Colombia from the murders going on in the streets of Colombia. Even many homeless children are being murdered and abducted in the streets and sewers of Colombia.
Colombia's Hidden Killers: Part 1/2 (Documentary)
Jul 16, 2013
The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, was founded five
decades ago as a Marxist people's army fighting against capitalist
imperialism and Colombia's often-brutal government. And they've been
fighting a protracted bloody war ever since. In recent years, FARC has
devolved into a guerrilla force that threatens the very people it
originally sought to protect. Why? Because in order to secure their
dwindling territory and lucrative coca fields, FARC has buried thousands
of land mines in civilian areas. Since 1990, there have been over
10,000 land mine victims in Colombia, the second-most in the world
behind Afghanistan.
FARC and the government have been negotiating
peace for the past six months, and FARC's potential demobilization
could yield a transformative moment in Colombian history. But the scars
of 50 years of conflict, and 50 years of land mines, can't be so easily
erased. We traveled to Colombia to speak with land mine victims and to
see first hand how around 7,000 FARC guerilla have held off over 300,000
Colombian soldiers for so many years.
Paramilitary Death Squads - Colombia
All over Colombia the AUC paramilitaries massacred so-called guerrilla sympathisers and 'cleansed' the areas for the army.
Refugees tell stories of wildly indiscriminate killing sprees: "They cut people's heads off. Many people were disembowelled. They are laying down the seeds of terror." We track the paras to a wealthy ranch they now use as a training base. With the backing of these ranchers the AUC and its leader, Carlos Castano, defeated the guerrillas and liberated them from the guerrilla's protection rackets and raids. The AUC are now maintained by such landowners as virtual private armies. But the fear and death spread by the new power brokers is a heavy price to pay for their security. And now, as the government tries to broker peace, the force it has unleashed goes on killing and prolonging the agony of civil war in Colombia.
Many different countries have secure borders in order for security. As a sovereign nation, we must ensure that we have a secure civilization. This is why many people want better regulations and security to be put in place for individuals crossing different international borders.
The Mountain of Evidence for a Massive International Pedophile Ring Protected by Police and Intelligence Agencies
Two high profile pedophilia cases have come to light in recent years, the abuses of Jerry Sandusky at Penn State and those of famed British entertainer Jimmy Savile. While both cases certainly garnered their fair share of media attention, their time in the spotlight has ended and we are led to believe that their horrific abuses were the result of a lone pedophile preying on children, while esteemed institutions turned a blind eye to their discretions.
Occasionally, however, the media would pick up on a story such as “Jimmy Savile was part of satanic ring” 1, EXPRESS UK, or “Jerry Sandusky was part of pedophile ring, victim claims” 2, GLOBAL POST. These stories seem absurd at first glance. Yet if they are investigated further, we are lead down a horrific and disturbing rabbit hole of pedophiles populating positions of power in government, finance, and entertainment.This post will lay out the evidence for an international pedophile ring of massive proportions. The information contained within is of tremendous importance, for we are sitting on our very own modern holocaust, a holocaust of children. I promise that this statement is by no means an exaggeration, and urge you to not be scared away by these walls of text, which are as concise as possible while still conveying the necessary information. Throughout, I will be completely transparent with my sources, and will not beat you over the head with conclusions, but rather present you with evidence and let you decide for yourselves. (CONTINUED IN COMMENTS)
I will begin in Belgium, with a case known as the Dutroux affair. This case is important because it illustrates how investigations can be undermined by a cabal able to place its members in crucial positions of power, and how powerful people can be implicated in abusing children. The Dutroux affair is was covered extensively by the mainstream media, 3, NY TIMES, I use the MSM as most of my sources and was HUGE 4, NY TIMES news in Belgium, where 350,000 people took the streets to protest the handling of the case, known as the famous White March, from a nation of just 10 million.
The case begins in 1995, when multiple young girls began disappearing around the area of Bertrix. Young girls had been disappearing in this area for a couple of years but the BOB (equivalent of the FBI) was unable to develop any solid leads. A breakthrough was made when a suspicious white van was reported, and the police were able to trace it to Marc Dutroux, a known pedophile. Dutroux had been released from prison just a few years earlier, after serving a third of his sentence, despite reservations among those involved in the hearing and his own mother, who had warned the parole board that he would certainly cause harm again 5, BBC. It was also revealed that Dutroux, though unemployed and receiving welfare from the state, owned seven homes and lived quite lavishly 6, NBC, from his involvement in selling children and child porn. It turns out that his mother was right, and Dutroux was responsible for the recent abductions. Girls as young as 8 reportedly starved to death in a makeshift dungeon in his basement, after months of sexual abuse 7, GUARDIAN UK.
The horrible transgressions committed by Dutroux are widely available knowledge and thoroughly documented, and though disturbing, are not important enough to focus on this case. Now, I will attempt to highlight the incompetence of the investigating police, and the subsequent cover-up of evidence by the state. Police had investigated Dutroux multiple times without any arrests. Once, they entered his home and witnessed the outside of a makeshift dungeon in his basement, while two girls were being held and starved inside. They even reported hearing voices, though they said they believed Dutroux’s story that the voices were coming from the street outside 8, FOX NEWS. Police ignored a tip from an informant, who said that Dutroux offered him between 3,000 and 5,000 dollars to kidnap young girls 9, CRIME LIBRARY. Again and again, police failed to act on information, or acted with complete incompetence. Incredibly, Police had in their possession a video tape of Dutroux constructing the makeshift dungeon in one of his basements, and would have saved the lives of two girls who were being tortured while the police held on to the evidence, had they viewed the video tape and acted on it 10, GUARDIAN UK.
By September 1996, the official body count had reached 8, and public outrage over police incompetence mounted 11, GUARDIAN UK. Why had a known pedophile been released so early from his original prison term, and allowed to terrify a country while the police stumbled about, seemingly complicit in the carnage?
When the case transferred from the police to the courts, the coverup became much more egregious. The lead prosecutor, Jean-Marc Conorrette, was dismissed from the case, which drew huge criticism from across the nation 12, NY TIMES. Conorette became a hero because it was his initiative that led to the police actually finding two girls in Dutroux’s captivity. He also was instrumental in finding the bodies of four more girls. Conorette would later break down in tears in court while describing the death threats he received when he was still involved with the investigation 13, TELGRAPH UK.
Fuel to the fire would be added when a highly regarded childrens activist, Marie France Botte, claimed that prosecutors were sitting on a politically sensitive list of high profile customers of Dutrouxs thousands of video tapes 14, LA TIMES.
Marc Verwilghen, the Flemish parliamentarian who became the most popular politician in the country after leading the inquiry into Dutroux, claimed that many in the Belgian establishment, including heads of government, refused to cooperate, and sought to stifle and ridicule his report. He claimed that magistrates and police were officially told to not answer certain questions, in what he described as a ‘characteristic smothering operation’. He was further quoted as saying ‘For me, the Dutroux affair is a question of organized crime’. 15, GUARDIAN UK. A parliamentary panel revealed the names of 30 government officials it said were complicit in the hiding of Dutrouxs misdeeds, none have been punished 16...
Missing In Alaska
The Alaska Triangle, a region in northwest Alaska, has more unsolved missing person cases than anywhere else in the world. Over 20,000 people have vanished in the past 50 years alone.
‘Ridiculous’ number of missing kids in Oregon
Feb 21, 2017
Missing 411
Sep 17, 2019
Based on the books series written by David Paulides Missing 411 chronicles the unsolved yet eerily similar disappearances of five children in the wilds of North America accross multiple decades. A real-life horror story for those involved, the film examines each case from multiple perspectives in an attempt to shed light on the unsettling topic. Les Stroud of Survivorman and Obama-appointed, former Secretary of the Interior, Ken Salazar are both interviewed for their insight into the topic, as are the families who have fallen victim to tragedy.
Chapter 7: Human trafficking & the CPS
State Dept. watered down human-trafficking report
Aug, 3, 2015
(Reuters) In the weeks leading up to a critical annual U.S. report on human trafficking that publicly shames the world’s worst offenders, human rights experts at the State Department concluded that trafficking conditions hadn’t improved in Malaysia and Cuba. And in China, they found, things had grown worse.
The State Department’s senior political staff saw it differently — and they prevailed.
A Reuters examination, based on interviews with more than a dozen sources in Washington and foreign capitals, shows that the government office set up to independently grade global efforts to fight human trafficking was repeatedly overruled by senior American diplomats and pressured into inflating assessments of 14 strategically important countries in this year’s Trafficking in Persons report.
State Department Officials Overruled Their Own Human Trafficking Experts -
Aug. 3, 2015
The State Department inflated the grades of diplomatically sensitive
countries in its yearly assessment of human trafficking around the
globe, according to an investigation published by Reuters on Monday.A negative ranking in the department's annual "Trafficking in Persons Report" can shame offending nations, and even lead to sanctions. And while it isn't unusual for the rankings to be reviewed by officials outside the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons—the State Department unit home to analysts who investigate countries' trafficking records—Reuters suggests that this year's report was subject to unprecedented interference from senior officials. As the investigation explains:
We must put an end to all of the human trafficking going on in the world. Do you ever think how nice it would be to end human trafficking, smuggling and kidnapping. Our hearts and minds go out to all of the living beings that have had to experience these events. It is our job as a civilization, to try to better our civilization. Many claim that with new technology, it is more difficult for individuals to go missing in certain areas. However, we can see that in the following chapter, that certain government officials actually are helping and assisting with child trafficking, smuggling and kidnapping. This is why as a civilization, we need to find the groups responsible for these events. We must put a stop to child kidnapping and human trafficking in this world.
Texas ranks high in number of human trafficking victims
Jun 03 2014
Texas ranks No. 2 for human trafficking crime
January 27, 2014
Child Sex Trafficking and the Oklahoma State Government
August 13th, 2013
In Oklahoma, Seventy-eight children have gone completely missing with no explanation. The most frightening aspect of this development is that these children went missing while in custody of the Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS).
Human trafficking
{List of articles by CBS on human trafficking}.
When CPS Kidnaps Children for Money
06 December 2014
“If I have it my way, you’ll never see your mommy and daddy again.” These cruel words were reportedly uttered to eight-year-old Jaxon Adams by a Missouri doctor working closely with Child Protective Services. While we don’t know if this statement will prove prophetic, the fact is that some children will never see their parents again — or, at least, not for a very long time — because of CPS.
And it has been alleged that many of these youngsters are essentially kidnapped — for money.
Kids for cash scandal
The "kids for cash" scandal unfolded in 2008 over judicial kickbacks at the Luzerne County Court of Common Pleas in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Two judges, President Judge Mark Ciavarella and Senior Judge Michael Conahan, were convicted of accepting money from Robert Mericle, builder of two private, for-profit youth centers for the detention of juveniles, in return for contracting with the facilities and imposing harsh adjudications on juveniles brought before their courts to increase the number of residents in the centers.
CPS family court corruption
Families are being abused by State CPS and Family Courts through out the United States of America, this is a major issue that needs to be addressed, Families that have had their civil rights violated through family court proceedings and the fact that all due process and constitutional rights are violated and manipulated by family court judges, District Attorneys, and Commissioners of /social services departments as well as CPS workers, and court appointed attorneys that are not working for the clients but have helped incriminate parents. Also of extreme interest, is obtaining names/phone/location of CPS workers who are falsifying or have falsified documents in court and who have lied in a court setting. The people of New York State and the People of the United States of America demand a full investigation of all departments, and the termination of department until further the people also wish to sue for government entrapment as well as a suit brought against the case workers, family court judges, and district lawyers. The People through discovery have found:
U.S. legal child kidnapping at least in the thousands - Child Protection Services criminality uncovered
July 23, 2014Justina Pelletier and her family traveled to Washington D.C. last week to promote "Justina's Law," a bipartisan bill proposed to end medical research on children. She received a standing ovation from members of Congress.
Justina was taken away from her parents by force at the age of 15, and held for over a year as Boston Children's Hospital kept her confined in their psych ward. They disagreed with the family's doctor over her diagnosis, and had the state's "child protection" social service agency seize custody of her away from her parents, against her will and the will of her parents. What ensued was a long legal battle to get their daughter back, that probably only ended positively because her story went viral and was picked up by the national mainstream media. This because her father refused to obey a court-directed gag order and went to the media with their story. Media heavyweights such as Dr. Phil, Mike Huckabee, and Glenn Beck picked up her story.
Here is a plea Justina made herself to Governor Patrick and Judge Johnston just before she was finally released:
UK Pedophile Ring Evidence Investigation
Sep 15, 2015
{3:00 Child Protective Services are behind the taking of children that have gone missing}.
Here is a video I made in 2010 about the problems going on with Child Protective Services (CPS). This series also includes the problem with many private prisons, being constructed in America, and around the globe. We will have a remastered version up shortly.
Criminal workers of the CPS. - CPS & the courts investigated. - 1
Oct 15, 2010
California...Your Parental Rights Are Gone Now!!! SINS OF THE WORLD - December. 2016 (Part 4)
Dec 16, 2016
Chapter 8: The Vatican
U.N. Slams Vatican Over Child Abuse Cover-Up
Feb. 5, 2014
Damning report criticizes the Vatican's handling of child sex abuse cases, but the Vatican says it regrets UN interference
The United Nations agency for children’s rights issued a deeply critical report Wednesday slamming the Vatican for policies that it says enabled priests to rape children, and urging them to remove suspected child abusers from the clergy. The Vatican hit back at the U.N., calling parts of the report an attempt to “interfere” with Catholic Church teaching.
Vatican defrocks 848 priests: Is sex abuse of children torture?
May 6th, 2014
The Vatican released new data on abuse at a UN hearing that's questioning whether abuse of children by Roman Catholic priests constitutes torture. Classifying sexual abuse as torture could expose the Catholic Church to a new wave of lawsuits.
Catholic Church sexual abuse cases
Cases of sexual abuse (particularly of children) and subsequent cover-ups committed during the 20th and 21st centuries by Catholic priests, nuns, and members of Roman Catholic orders have led to numerous allegations, investigations, trials and convictions. The abused include boys and girls, some as young as 3 years old, with the majority between the ages of 11 and 14.[1][2][3][4]The accusations began to receive wide publicity in the late 1980s. Many of these involve cases in which a figure was accused of abuse for decades; such allegations were frequently made by adults or older youths years after the abuse occurred. Cases have also been brought against members of the Catholic hierarchy who covered up sex abuse allegations onset on seminary formations,[5] and through moving allegedly abusive priests to other parishes, where abuse sometimes continued.
Catholic cops involved in cover-up of child abuse by priests
Pope Francis I and CIA 'Operation Condor' - Death Squads
Mar 16, 2013
00:01 In 1973 Pope Francis was appointed the provincial of Argentina for the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). He was the highest ranking Jesuit in Argentina, during the military dictatorship of Jorge Videla. The Pope later became Bishop and Arch Bishop of Buenos Aires. Francis was elevated to Cardinal in 2001, by Pope John Paul.
2:30 - General Videla is convicted of human rights violations, murder, abductions, torture and kidnappings. In 1985 General Videla was sentenced to life in prison. One of his key appointments Jose Alfredo Martinez, the Minister of Economy, was a close friend to David Rockefeller. The currency market in Argentina was manipulated by these politicians to cause an economic collapse.
4:20 The Catholic Church Hierarchy played a central role in sustaining the legitimacy of this dictatorship, under General Videla. The Catholic Church was closely associated with Argentina's economic elites, they were firmly behind the military dictatorship. The video claims that this government was against leftists movements and other political parties.
5:00 In 2005, Human Rights lawyer Miriam Brockmann filed a criminal lawsuit against Pope Francis, who was a Cardinal at the time of the incidents that took place in Argentina. The lawsuit accuses Pope Francis of conspiring with the military dictatorship at the time. This includes two missing Jesuit Priests that were fired.
6:00 In 2010, the survivors of the dirty war, accused Pope Francis of complicity of the kidnapping of two members of the Society of Jesus.
6:20 In the 2005 trial, Pope Francis twice invoked his right under Argentinian law to refuse to appear in open court. When Pope Francis eventually did testify in 2010, his answers were evasive. At least two cases involved Pope Francis, One of the cases examined the torture of two Jesuits that went missing in 1976. Pope Francis is accused of handing the two missing Jesuits over to a death squad. According to Miriam Brockmann, Pope Francis' own statements proved that church officials knew early on that the government at the time was torturing and killing its citizens. This was happening while church officials endorsed the dictators. The dictatorship could not have operated this way, without this key support, this is noted by the LA times in April, 2005.
8:00 The Catholic Church was complicit in torture and mass killings. There is an estimation of 22,000 people that died or disappeared, from 1976 to 1978. Thousands of additional victims were killed between 1978 and 1983, when the military was forced from power.
Alex Jones: Is The Pope The Devil?
Aug 8, 2015
Out of all the candidates for Pope, the Catholic Church has to pick Pope Francis. Pope Francis has been accused of all these very bad accusations in Argentina. Then the Catholic Church puts him in as the new Pope. This sounds about as divine of a decision as putting Ratzinger (Pope Benedict) in as the new Pope. Ratzinger later had to resign as Pope, due to multiple accusations of Catholic officials, including Ratzinger, that tried to cover up many of these instances of children being abused and molested.
Pope Benedict and the pedophilia scandal: A timeline
March 26, 2010
Pope Benedict XVI has again been drawn into the sex abuse crisis rocking the Catholic Church. Already accused of assisting the cover-up of abuses in his native Germany, Benedict is facing new charges that — as long ago as the 1960s — he failed to defrock a culpable Milwaukee priest. Here's a timeline of how accusations of negligence have shadowed Benedict's papacy since he was named Pope:
April 2005: When the erstwhile Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger is selected to be Pope, he has been heading up the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the office that decides whether priests accused of child abuse should be given canonical trials and defrocked.September 2005: As the Vatican's head of state, the new Pope enjoys immunity against charges of negligence. A Texas civil lawsuit accusing Ratzinger of covering up the abuse of three Houston area boys in the mid-1990s is dropped.
July 2007: Under Pope Benedict's watch, the Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles pays out $660 million to hundreds of plaintiffs accusing up to 126 priests of clergy sex abuse.
April 2008: During his first papal visit to the U.S., Pope Benedict says he is "deeply ashamed" of the sexual abuse scandal. He pledges not to allow pedophiles to become priests.
November 2009: A "damning" report in Ireland accuses four archbishops of turning a blind eye on abuse, and five bishops of actively covering up clergy sex abuse.
February 3, 2010: Evidence of "systematic" sexual abuse in the Catholic Church in Germany begins to emerge. German magazine Der Spiegel reports that "close to 100 priests and members of the laity" are suspected.
February 14: The Pope meets with 24 Irish Bishops to discuss the claims in that country. Pope Benedict reportedly "lambasted" the bishops for failing to deal with sexual abuse in a transparent or effective manner.
March 8: Pope Benedict's brother, Georg Ratzinger, is linked with abuse cases in Germany. Der Spiegel reports sexual abuse at two boarding schools where Ratzinger worked, though the choirmaster is not accused of perpetrating abuses.
March 12: The Pope is dragged into the clergy scandal in his native Germany. As Archbishop of Munich and Freising in 1980, Benedict reportedly approved the transfer of Peter Hullerman, a priest accused of molesting boys, to therapy. After being treated, Hullerman returned to pastoral duties and abused more children. He was finally convicted of sexual abuse in 1986.
March 13: The Vatican says the Hullerman allegations are an "aggressive" attempt to smear the Pope's name, and insists Benedict had nothing to do with the decision to transfer the priest to therapy.
March 15: It emerges that Hullerman is still practising as a priest in Germany. He is immediately suspended from his duties.
March 20: Facing calls for his resignation, Pope Benedict writes an open letter apologizing to victims of sexual abuse by the Catholic priesthood. "You have suffered grievously and I am truly sorry," he writes in the "most comprehensive statement yet" on the crisis.
March 24: The Pope is accused of failing to defrock Lawrence Murphy, a priest who allegedly molested as many as 200 deaf boys in Wisconsin during the 1960s and 70s. A canonical trial to dismiss the priest in 1996 was halted after Murphy personally wrote to Ratzinger to protest the trial because he was in poor health and had "already repented."
Pope Benedict defrocked 400 priests
01/17/14As the Vatican was being blistered by a U.N. committee this week for its decades-long mishandling and cover up of a global sex abuse scandal involving priests and children, new disclosures show the extraordinary steps that Pope Benedict XVI took to get rid of problem priests.
In just two years, Benedict defrocked nearly 400 priests, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press, which first reported the story on Friday. The number of priests defrocked by Benedict in 2011 and 2012 reflected a dramatic spike over the 171 priests removed in 2008 and 2009, according to the AP.
The newly uncovered statistics come from data from annual reports compiled by the Vatican to help the Holy See defend itself before a U.N. committee this week in Geneva.
While Benedict has been seen as remote, dogmatic, and lacking the charisma of both his predecessor, John Paul II, and his successor, Pope Francis, he was aggressive in pushing the Holy See to address the scourge of child molestation within the Church...
Pedophile Ring Now In Full Control Of The Vatican
Aug 5, 2015
and how the Vatican has been taken over by pedophile ring.
Political Pedophilia: An open source investigation
Apr 15, 2015
As more and more information surfaces on both sides of the Atlantic about the pedophilia rings operating in the highest echelons of political, business and entertainment circles, even the establishment press is being forced to cover the story. But is the very same establishment that covered up these horrors for decades going to break the dam on this sensitive and paradigm-changing information? Of course not. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we explore how the alternative media can help shape the open source investigation into the practice of political pedophilia and expose the real perpetrators.
Chapter 9: Sharia Law
ISIS cites Quran to justify child rape
Issues pamphlet in response to uproar over sex slaves
Published: 12/08/2014... In August, ISIS detained more than 5,000 Yazidi women in northern Iraq after slaughtering thousands of members of the religious sect, according to the United Nations.
Younger girls were separated from older women, then bussed to the city of Mosul and put in a large three-story house with hundreds of other young women, according to a witness who spoke to CNN in November. ISIS men came periodically and chose up to three and four girls at a time to take home with them.
“These women have been treated like cattle,” Nazand Begikhani, an adviser to the Kurdistan Regional Government, told CNN.
“They have been subjected to physical and sexual violence, including systematic rape and sex slavery. They’ve been exposed in markets in Mosul and in Raqqa, Syria, carrying price tags.”
The questions in the ISIS pamphlet:
Question 1: What is al-sabi?
Al-Sabi is a woman from among ahl al-harb (the people of war) who has been captured by Muslims.
Question 2: What makes al-sabi permissible?
What makes al-sabi permissible (i.e., what makes it permissible to take such a woman captive) is (her) unbelief. Unbelieving (women) who were captured and brought into the abode of Islam are permissible to us, after the imam distributes them (among us).
Question 3: Can all unbelieving women be taken captive?
There is no dispute among the scholars that it is permissible to capture unbelieving women (who are characterized by) original unbelief (kufrasli), such as thekitabiyat (women from among the People of the Book, i.e. Jews and Christians) and polytheists. However, (the scholars) are disputed over (the issue of) capturing apostate women. The consensus leans toward forbidding it, though some people of knowledge think it permissible. We (ISIS) lean toward accepting the consensus.
Question 4: Is it permissible to have intercourse with a female captive?
It is permissible to have sexual intercourse with the female captive. Allah the almighty said: (Successful are the believers) who guard their chastity, except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, for then they are free from blame (Quran 23:5-6)...
Islamic State Sex Slaves Apparently Being Sold on Facebook for $8,000
"To all the bros thinking about buying a slave, this one is $8,000..."
May 30, 2016The woman is young, perhaps 18, with olive skin and dark bangs that droop onto her face. In the Facebook photo, she attempts to smile but doesn’t look at her photographer.
The caption mentions a single biographical fact: She is for sale.
“To all the bros thinking about buying a slave, this one is $8,000,” begins the May 20 Facebook posting, which was attributed to an Islamic State fighter who calls himself Abu Assad Almani. The same man posted a second image a few hours later, this one a pale young face with weepy red eyes.
“Another sabiyah [slave], also about $8,000,” the posting reads. “Yay, or nay?”
As many as 200 girls abducted by Boko Haram, Nigerian officials say
April 16, 2014
Saudi Sharia court sentences gang rape victim to 200 lashes
“According to Sharia Law, a Saudi Arabian woman must be accompanied
by a male guardian at all times in public, something the 19 year old
victim did not obey when she went to meet a friend, according to website
Live Buddhism.” Not just a “Saudi Arabian woman,” but any woman. Since
the victim did not do this, she is at fault. This is Islamic law. It is
barbaric and inhumane, but it is Islamic law.
“Saudi Court Sentences Gang Rape Victim to 200 Lashes And Custodial Sentence,” by A.B. Sanderson, Breitbart, March 5, 2015 (thanks to Pamela Geller):The victim of a violent gang rape has been sentenced by a Saudi Arabian court to 200 lashes and six months in jail for the crimes of speaking to the press and indecency.
According to Sharia Law, a Saudi Arabian woman must be accompanied by a male guardian at all times in public, something the 19 year old victim did not obey when she went to meet a friend, according to website Live Buddhism.
While in a car with a student friend, retrieving a picture, two men got into the vehicle and drove them to a secluded area. She said she was raped there by seven men, three of whom also attacked her friend.
Rape in Saudi Arabia
Rape in Saudi Arabia has been considerably investigated by various observers. In 1988, sexual offences stood at 2.19 rapes per 100,000 population.[1] Under Sharia law, a law generally enforced by the Islamic states(Islamic Law), punishment imposed by the court on the rapist may range from flogging to execution. However, there is no penal code in Saudi Arabia and there is no written law which specifically criminalizes rape or prescribes its punishment. If the rape victim first entered the rapist's company in violation of purdah, she also stands to be punished by the law's current holdings.[2] In addition, there is no prohibition against marital rape or statutory rape.In Saudi Arabia, rape cases usually target both the defendant and the victim,[3] and in some cases, the victim can be sentenced to even harsher punishment than the assailant, often being raped again.
Human Rights Watch has investigated the situation, and their report concludes that the rape victim is punished when they speak out against the crime. In one case, the victim's sentence was doubled for speaking out; the court also harassed the victim's lawyer, going so far as to confiscate his professional license.[4]In 2009, the Saudi Gazette reported that a 23-year-old, unmarried woman was sentenced to one year in prison and 100 lashes for adultery. This woman had been gang-raped, became pregnant, and had tried (unsuccessfully) to abort the fetus. The flogging was postponed until after the delivery.[5]
The sentences for rape cases are also extremely unbalanced in Saudi Arabia. In one example from February 2013, a Saudi preacher raped, tortured and murdered his 5-year-old daughter. He was sentenced to eight years in prison, 800 lashes, and a fine of one million riyals ($270,000 USD) to be paid to the girl's mother, his ex-wife.[6] Contrasted with this is the case of two Pakistani citizens who were beheaded by the state after being convicted of a rape.
Punished For Being Raped and For Accusing Rapists: Women's Burden Under Sharia
28 Oct 2014
ISIS has just be-headed a woman in Baquba because she dared to resist being raped. In the process of struggling to defend herself, she actually killed her would-be rapist, an ISIS warrior. The woman was at home recovering from a medical illness.
Sharia Court Leads to Rape in UK
A young British-Pakistani woman reportedly was raped by her husband and left fearing for her and her children’s lives after a Sharia court forced to her reveal her address and to try and get back with him
First the clerics tried to persuade her to attempt a reconciliation with her abusive husband. Then, after they disclosed her address, he threatened to kill her, kidnapped her children, and subjected her to an horrific rape that left her needing an abortion, reports MailOnline.
Lubna, who was brought up in the north of England in a middle-class family, reportedly was sexually and physically abused by her husband – who she joined with under an arranged marriage.
To avoid shaming her devout Muslim mother Lubna agreed but the “judges” didn’t care about the plight she’d suffered at her violent ex’s hands and repeatedly told the young woman and her mother to be “silent”.
Speaking to the One Law for All campaign which is working to ban Sharia courts to improve Muslim women’s rights, Lubna said: “The court was incredibly difficult. My mother and I were repeatedly told to be silent. None of the information from the civil proceedings, including non-molestation orders, was admissible in the Sharia court.
“When my ex-husband said he wanted a reconciliation, the judges said I should comply.
The Norwegian Government - Covering Up Immigrant Rapes
July 24, 2005
Islamic Rape Wave in Norway / Islamsk Voldtekt Epidemien i Norge
May 26, 2012The scandalous fact is that Norway, for all its wealth, has chosen not to invest overmuch in law and order. "Norway wastes millions of kroner every year on 'development aid' that ends up largely in the pockets of corrupt African dictators; it pours millions more into the pockets of non-Western immigrants who have become masters at exploiting the welfare system; the Norwegian government even funds anarchists. It's not entirely misguided for a Norwegian citizen to feel that his tax money is going less to fight the crime that threatens his home, his self, and his business than to support criminals."
But beefing up the police force wouldn't even begin to address the problem that's at the root of the country's growing rape crisis: the presence in Norway, and especially in Oslo, of ever-growing numbers of people who have nothing but contempt for Western culture, who have absolutely no concept of respect for members of religions other than their own, and who have been brought up on the idea that women who dare to walk the street alone and without veils covering their faces deserve to be violated.
Not so very many years ago, Oslo was virtually a rape-free city, inhabited by people who had been brought up on civilized notions of mutual respect and tolerance. No longer. Over the years, the incidence of rape has risen steadily. A wildly disproportionate number of the perpetrators are "rejected asylum seekers" -- which may sound puzzling unless you are aware of the perverse state of affairs whereby even persons officially rejected for asylum in Norway are still allowed to stay. And the increasing temerity of the rapists -- who know very well that they will probably not be caught, and, if caught, will not be severely punished -- is reflected in the fact that the most recent rape (in which two men assaulted a 21-year-old woman) took place virtually in the backyard of the Royal Palace.
Oslo is, of course, not alone in having undergone this cultural sea change: many major cities in Western Europe have experienced similar transformations. Yet it now appears that the incidence of rapes in Oslo has now eclipsed that in the other two Scandinavian capitals, Stockholm and Copenhagen. This is quite an achievement, given that Oslo has traditionally been the smallest and sleepiest of these three cities -- the least cosmopolitan, the one that feels more like a safe small town than a European capital...
Muslims Gang-Rape Swedish Girls In Europe Explodes. (InfoWars)
Oct 12, 2016
Muslim Gangs Drug & Rape Children All Over The UK Britain Finally Starts To Wake Up
Jan 29, 2013
UK woman 'gang-raped' in Dubai now faces jail for 'extra-marital affair' in Sharia arrest
Nov 16, 2016
A WOMAN has been charged with ‘extra-marital sex’ and is being held in Dubai after allegedly being gang raped in the holiday destination.
Dec 18, 2016
Hussain A and Hassan T walked from court with suspended sentences
They were convicted of being involved in mass frenzy of sex attacks
The attacks saw dozens of men arrested in Cologne on New Year's Eve
Two of the victims wept openly in court as they described their ordeal.
Rape in Islam
There is no equivalent term for ‘rape’ in the Qur'an. Likewise, there is not a single verse in the Qur'an which even remotely discourages forced sex. In contrast, there are several verses in this book which give the green light to rape and other sexual crimes against women.Surah an-Nisa discusses lawful and forbidden women for pious Muslims. Before we delve into the particular verse, it should be noted that it is not easy to understand what is being suggested using the verse alone. Therefore, relying on authoritative Tafsirs (Qur'an interpretations) and Sahih (authentic) Hadiths associated with it, are necessary to get the exact picture.
Verse 4:24
It is important to know the context of this verse, as it sheds light onto the nature of allowance. If we go through a Sahih Hadith in Sunan Abu Dawud:- "Some of the Companions of the apostle of Allah were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers."
The Abu Dawud hadith is confirmed by the two Sahih collections, namely Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim.
In Sahih Bukhari we read:
- Sahih Muslim. Chapter 29: Title: It is permissible to have sexual intercourse with a captive woman after she is purified of menses or delivery. In case she has a husband, her marriage is abrogated after she becomes captive.
Tafsir Ibn Kathir
Tafsir al-Jalalayn
Tafsir 'Ibn Abbas
Muslim rape slavery comes to Canada
Jan 15, 2016---------------------
Jul 6, 2016
Marital rape
Marriage after rape
In a variety of cultures, marriage after a rape of an unmarried woman has been treated historically as a "resolution" to the rape, that is, a "reparatory marriage". Citing Biblical injunctions (particularly Exodus 22:16–17 and Deuteronomy 22:25–30), Calvinist Geneva permitted a single woman's father to consent to her marriage to her rapist, after which the husband would have no right to divorce; the woman had no explicitly stated separate right to refuse. Among ancient cultures virginity was highly prized, and a woman who had been raped had little chance of marrying. These laws forced the rapist to provide for their victim.Although laws that exonerate the perpetrator if he marries his victim after the rape are often associated with the Middle East, such laws were very common around the world until the second half of the 20th century. For instance, as late as 1997, 14 Latin American countries had such laws, although most of these countries have now abolished them. Such laws were ended in Mexico in 1991, El Salvador in 1996, Colombia in 1997, Peru in 1999, Chile in 1999, Egypt in 1999, Ethiopia in 2005, Brazil in 2005, Uruguay in 2005, Guatemala in 2006, Costa Rica in 2007, Panama in 2008, Nicaragua in 2008, Argentina in 2012, Morocco in 2014, and Ecuador in 2014.
The practice of forcing victims of rape to marry their rapists continues even in many countries where the laws allowing this have been abolished. This is the case, for example, in Ethiopia, where marriage by abduction remains common, despite it being illegal under the new 2004 Criminal Code.
In 2012, after a Moroccan 16-year-old girl committed suicide after having been forced by her family to marry her rapist, at the suggestion of the prosecutor, and having endured abuse by the rapist after they married, there have been protests from activists against the law which allows the rapist to marry the victim in order to escape criminal sanctions, and against this social practice which is common in Morocco. The law was ended in 2014. Countries which have legal stipulations stating that the perpetrator is exempt from punishment if, after the act, he marries the victim include Lebanon, Algeria, Tunisia, Iraq, Cameroon, Bahrain.
Whether women were forced to marry their rapist, or the marriage was concluded before the violence began, many victims remain in chronically violent relationships. While there are many reasons for which victims of marital rape remain in their marriages, one important reason is that divorce may be hard to obtain and/or is stigmatized. (Kwiatowski, 70). Cross-culturally, one of the barriers that keep victims within their marriages is the shame and guilt they feel surrounding marital rape. (Bergen, 2016), or general taboos around sexuality.(Kwiatkowski, 2016) (Torres, 2016) Lastly, some victims do not categorize their abuse as marital rape in order to minimize the violence they endure. This is used as a defense mechanism so they can continue to endure their abuse (MenjÃvar, 2016).
Countries where spousal rape is not a criminal offence
- Afghanistan
- Algeria
- Bahrain
- Bangladesh
- Botswana
- Brunei Darussalam
- Central African Republic
- China
- Chad
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Egypt
- Eritrea
- Ethiopia
- Haiti
- India
- Indonesia
- Iran
- Iraq
* Palestinian territories
We need to end Sharia expansion around the globe. Sharia Law needs to be stopped. I have seen the problems with Sharia Law harming the planet. We will have more information on this subject shortly. Under Sharia Law, many people think it is OK to abuse or rape women that do not wear veils, this includes children being forced into slavery at a very young age. It is good we have the right to bear arms in America, this so that women can protect themselves when they are by themselves, from these types of violent actions against women.
Chapter 10: Miscellaneous
Child Predators In Highest Levels Of Govt & Media : Conchita Sarnoff
May 11, 2016
Wonderland Club paedophile ring (Operation Cathedral)
Apr 7, 2013
{25:00 One high ranking member of the Wonderland Club paedophile ring was a civil servant}.
There are many individuals that act alone, when trying to harm children.
You often hear how they find dozens of bodies in the backyard of a serial killer. What many have stated, that often when a pedophile gang is about to be busted, that they hide all of the bodies in the backyard of one individual, then they claim that one serial killer murdered over 30 children. The truth many times is that the person taking the blame is often working for these pedophile gangs. Many times the person that abducts the children will be the scapegoat for the pedophile ring, this is because they are often the most likely to get caught first, and will take the fall. Now we must question which serial killers out there were actually just working for these pedophile rings. Many of these rings are even protected by people who even try to find jobs as police, so they can cover-up these crimes.
Witnesses shed new light on John Wayne Gacy murder, suggest he had accomplice
Feb 17, 2012Three people have come forward with new information that suggests serial killer John Wayne Gacy had an accomplice in some of his grisly rape and torture murders, two Chicago lawyers say.
The three were friends of one of Gacy’s 33 victims, John Mowery, and their stories indicate Mowery’s roommate had a hand in his death, criminal defense attorneys Robert Stephenson and Steven Becker say.
“We conclusively believe this individual was involved as an accomplice at least in this one (murder), and we suspect others as well,” Stephenson told on Friday.
Oakland County Child Killer
The Oakland County Child Killer (OCCK) is an unidentified serial killer responsible for the murders of four or more children, two girls and two boys, in Oakland County, Michigan, United States in 1976 and 1977.
Case background
During a 13-month period, four children were abducted and murdered with their bodies left in various locations within the county. The children were each held from 4 to 19 days before being killed. Their deaths triggered a murder investigation which at the time was the largest in US history. The murders are still unsolved.Investigators put together a profile of the killer based on witnesses' descriptions of the man seen talking to Timothy King the night he disappeared—a white male with a dark complexion, 25 to 35 years old with shaggy hair and sideburns. Authorities believed that the killer had a job that gave him freedom of movement and may have appeared to be someone that a child might trust, such as a police officer, clergyman or a doctor. He was also believed to be familiar with the area and had the ability to keep children for long periods of time without rousing neighbors' suspicions.
The task force checked out more than 18,000 tips, which resulted in about two dozen arrests on unrelated charges and the busting of a multi-state child pornography ring operating on North Fox Island in Lake Michigan (northwest of the Leelanau Peninsula). However, task force members were unable to make much headway in the investigation. Officer Davis was one of the first on the case and tried his hardest to bring closure to the families of the victims. The task force disbanded in December 1978 and the investigation was turned over to the State Police. The killer never struck again.
Suspects and persons of interest
John Wayne Gacy
Authorities in Michigan were investigating the possibility that serial killer John Wayne Gacy could have been the Oakland County Child Killer. A witness to the 1977 abduction of Timothy King remembered seeing two men with King. The first suspect was described as a young man in his late 20s, the second suspect bore a strong resemblance to Gacy. John Wayne Gacy was also allegedly in Michigan around the time of the murders. According to DNA tests conducted in 2013, Gacy was not involved in the Oakland County killings.-------------
Child Sex Trafficking in Chicago: The Missing Link in the Gacy Mystery
It just doesn’t add up.
Obviously, John Wayne Gacy was a psychopathic killer. The victim of severe physical and emotional abuse as a child, Gacy kidnapped, tortured, and murdered boys and young men in the 1970s. Prosecutors said he hid most of their bodies under his northwest-side house, where they were discovered in 1978. He was arrested, speedily convicted, and executed in 1994.
Cook County prosecuted Gacy and only Gacy, depicting him as a creepy homosexual predator who managed to commit his crimes, alone, over most of a decade without anyone else catching on. This is what the general public knows about the case.
This is a lie.
Followers of this blog know that there are some big holes in this story. For instance, parents and friends of missing boys connected Gacy to their disappearances, but police ignored their tips for years. After the arrest, residents of quiet neighborhoods and proprietors of small businesses called police to report their suspicions that there might be additional remains in other locations, but the tips were never investigated. And police reports indicate others were present during the murders and may have participated in them or even committed murders on their own while Gacy was out of town.
Readers also know that a small number of Chicago investigators are dedicated to understanding how the lie became the conventional wisdom and the truth got buried.
And we want to know why.
This is why many think that we need to just shoot many of these people that harm children and that are behind these child kidnapping rings. Some of these killers are even set free, only to go on more killing sprees.
I'm not accusing Alcala of being in a ring, Alcala was from Hollywood however. Who really knows if this was a ring or not.
KILLERS : Rodney James Alcala - (the dating game killer)
Mar 10, 2013Rodney James Alcala (born Rodrigo Jacques Alcala Buquor; August 23, 1943) is a convicted rapist and serial killer. He was sentenced to death in California in 2010 for five murders committed in that state between 1977 and 1979. In 2013 he received an additional sentence of 25 years to life after pleading guilty to two homicides in New York in 1971 and 1977. His true victim total remains unknown, and could be much higher. Prosecutors say that Alcala "toyed" with his victims, strangling them until they lost consciousness, then waiting until they revived, sometimes repeating this process several times before finally killing them.
He is sometimes labeled the "Dating Game Killer" because of his 1978 appearance on the television show The Dating Game in the midst of his murder spree. Police discovered a collection of more than 1,000 photographs taken by Alcala, mostly of women and teenaged boys, most of them in sexually explicit poses. They speculate that some of his photographic subjects could be additional victims.
One police detective called Alcala "a killing machine" and others have compared him to Ted Bundy. A homicide investigator familiar with the evidence speculates that he could have murdered as many as 50 women, while other estimates have run as high as 130.
Elite child sex slaves "1981" forgotten documentary
Jul 17, 2012
Retired HEAD OF FBI Tells ALL "Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings"
Dec 24, 2013
Even when FBI agents bust pedophile rings, they are told to stand down. These pedophile rings even infiltrate churches and schools.
Pedophile rings by governments ( This video has been removed for violating Youtube's terms of service.)
Jimmy Savile gets a knighthood from the Monarchy, this
is why the royal political establishments need to collapse}.
Massive online Pedophile Ring Busted By Cops
It said that so far 184 people had been arrested and investigations in some countries were continuing. Most of those detained are suspected of direct involvement in sexually abusing children.
They include teachers, police officers and scout leaders, AP reported. One Spaniard who worked at summer youth camps is suspected of abusing some 100 children over five years.
Europol director Rob Wainwright said Wednesday the ring, which communicated using an Internet forum, was "probably the largest online pedophile network in the world."
Worldwide paedophile ring busted in sting operation
Aug 26, 20157.30's Mark Willacy goes inside the covert sting operation that brought down a global paedophile ring, including its South Australian ringleader.
{5:30 Civil servant was granted continued access to prey on children in his care. This is one of the reasons why it is good to have people that work on catching these types of child predators}.
Sex Trafficking Facebook Post that is as Viral as it is Insane
May 29, 2015
Brown Hair. Black Eyes.
Rs. 70,000/-‘.
posting everything about your life on Facebook.
Next News Network's Founder Gary Franchi appears on RT Internatoinal and reveals the disasterous ramifications for Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, and the United States for attempting to silence conservative voices by branding them as 'fake news'.
We need to call for a boycott on Facebook. We must stop Mark Zuckerberg at all costs, from trying to get rid of freedom of speech on the internet.
The Kinsey Syndrome...A Sick Insight Into The Mind Of A Pedophile.
May 23, 2015
People even distribute video games over the internet with people being kidnapped as the main theme of the game. Trying to find missing children however is not a game. I still feel that not enough is being done to stop many of the real child kidnapping rings that still exist.
A Horror Game That May Be Hidden In The Darkest Corners Of The Internet [UPDATE]
We can use the dark web for good purposes for freedom of speech. However, many nefarious events happen on the dark web, this is a concern for many.
Celebrity Cannibalism Dinner with Marina Abramović - This Is What Your Stars Do
Dec 6, 2016
Reddit Bans “Pizzagate” – “We Don’t Want Witchhunts On Our Site”
Nov 24, 2016
The "Pizzagate" subreddit was started by a group of Trump-supporting internet sleuths.
For those not familiar with the movement, the “Pizzagate” subreddit was started by a group of Trump-supporting internet sleuths who were attempting to use WikiLeaks’ leaked Podesta emails to connect the Clintons and John Podesta to the convicted sex offender, Jeffrey Epstein. That said, when the Podesta emails failed to reveal a “smoking gun” linkage, the sleuths instead turned their focus to mulitple “pizza” references in Podesta’s emails which then led to the speculation that those “pizza” references must be code for something far more sinister.
According to the Washington Post, the “Pizzagate” sleuths are convinced that the “secret headquarters of a child sex-trafficking ring run by Hillary Clinton and members of her inner circle” is located in the basement of a Washington D.C. pizza shop called the Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria. The owner of the pizzeria, James Alefantis, says he has received numerous death threats over the past couple of weeks and has been forced to go to the FBI for protection.
CBS News Ben Swann does a "Reality Check" on Pizzagate
Jan 17, 2017
Warning Graphic PROOF Pizzagate Is Real!
Jan 8, 2017
{When Pizzagate started, many people in the media were not sure if it was real, some say that there are similar things to it at least}.
Feb 22, 2017-----------------
{I might as well show the video that is making these accusations against Ashton Kutcher, it does show Ashton Kutcher in a Freemason hat. Then the video questions why we should put so much trust in a person such as Ashton Kutcher that is wearing these Freemason logos, which they do have a good point. We should not trust these types of people with these investigations}.
Feb 17, 2017
[Here are some random comments from the video.]
{Some comments state that why
the government needs Ashton Kutcher, who is a Hollywood actor, in order to catch
these kidnapping rings. They question if Ashton Kutcher is trying to
have access to cover-up these Hollywood pedophile rings. Ashton Kutcher
states that for a couple months, that the federal government could not
catch criminals posting pictures of people being tortured and killed
over the dark web. Ashton states that his agency was able to find out
who these criminals were, that were posting these pictures of people
being tortured over the dark web}.
OutlawjjSmith Smith 2 weeks ago
Kutcher is an ACTOR who is playing the ROLE of pedo 'expert' to give
the APPEARANCE that something is being done about pizzagate, so the
stupid public will go back to sleep. Ashton Kutcher proudly wears his
Freemason hat in public. He works for the PEDO ELITE. HE IS A SATANIC
EverythingHipHop1 day ago
if he is a freemason than hes a good guy you cant fake a religion and the modern illuminati isnt satanic
Miggi Mizuno19 hours ago
EverythingHipHop what are you talking? Don't talk bull*hit if you have no idea it's better to listen to HupHip for u
Yousef Ahmed2 weeks ago
exactly. Why would the government need Ashton Kutchers help? Your
right. Makes zero sense. OMG. PsyOps. I just went on his twitter and
told people to YouTube this. I suggest everyone does the same. We need
to spread these things and expose the truth about these Satanic freaks.
Hayden Seabrook1 week ago
i done the excact same 2 days after you yousef evryone should spread this.
Eidolon2 weeks ago
I smell a rat. Ashton on FBI raids, being contacted by homeland for
help. SMOKE AND MIRRORS people. Keep your wits about you. God bless the
poor innocent children. My Heart hurts....
Delwyn Izatt2 weeks ago
on don't judge him so harshly just yet. You have to remember he might
be a victim as well and mind controlled man. He didn't do it, kind of
thing ya know? The devil made me do it man!!! He might think he's doing
the right thing. You have your points and I do believe the sick evil
satanists committing murderous sacrificial rituals involving children
and babies must be brought down. Thank you for the truth you report, and
if Ashton is guilty than he must answer for it also. It's sick evil!
You dance with the devil and do his deeds than you will eventually
realize your hell.
{Our film about Ashton Kutcher}.
‘That ’70s Show’ star charged with raping three women
June 17, 2020
Actor Danny Masterson, if convicted, faces up to 45 years in prison
Actor Danny Masterson Charged With Raping Three Women By Los Angeles D.A., Faces 45 Years To Life In Prison
June 17, 2020
Actor Danny Masterson arrested on rape charges in Los Angeles
June 18, 2020
Ashton Kutcher testified he was 'freaking out' when police told him woman had been killed
actor took the stand in the Los Angeles murder trial of Michael
Gargiulo, who's charged with killing a woman Kutcher was going to take
out for drinks.
May 2019
Ashton Kutcher to Testify Against Man Accused of Killing His Ex
Jan 23, 2015
Demi Moore sexual assault on minor (footage)
Feb 18, 2019
Ashton Kutcher: Pentagram Drawing on Fire
A Teary-Eyed Ashton Kutcher Explains Why You Shouldn’t Say ‘All Lives Matter’
June 3, 2020
Ashton Kutcher supports the Black Lives Matter movement, and he’s taking the Joe Biden approach to social justice: telling a rambling story with incongruously intense emotion. Like many other well-intentioned famous and regular folk alike, Kutcher posted a blackout of his social-media accounts along with a “BLM” caption.
Epstein victim says she was sex trafficked to Joe Biden, John Mc
Sep 15th, 2019
A woman named Jessica Collins has emerged to claim that she was a victim of Jeffrey Epstein and forced into sex with the likes of Joe Biden, Prince Andrew and John McCain.
Ashton Kutcher blows kiss to John McCain
Apr 5, 2018
FNN: Sen. McCain Tells Ashton Kutcher "You Were Better Looking in the Movies" at Senate Hearing
Feb 15, 2017
{Ashton Kutcher has been working with John McCain for years}.
McCain Institute
Combatting Human Trafficking
Human Trafficking Is an Epidemic in the U.S. It’s Also Big Business
April 14, 2019
Ashton Kutcher. New poster boy for child trafficking and organ harvesting.
February 18, 2017
Let’s also think about other high profile people who were “crusaders” against crimes like this.
Well, there’s former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert. He launched a “family values” campaign and was later convicted of pedophilia.. . Convicted pedophile House Rep. Mark Foley was the head of the caucus on "missing and exploited children!!!!" Then we have that sick bastard, Joe Biden who paired up with Katy Perry to “fight sexual assault!???” hahahah... Are you fucking kidding me! Snakes guarding the mouse nest much!!!???
Infidelity with Demi... Because, hey, the Kabbalah says it’s ok! lolol. Nice values, guy.
{Some people have videos that question the intentions of Ashton Kutcher. This video claims that Ashton Kutcher is a Hollywood actor, that is in charge with a lot of these investigations to stop sex trafficking. There are several other Hollywood actors accused of doing things, such as Michael Jackson, or Bill Cosby that we did not even mention in this original post. You hear how all these children accuse Michael Jackson of molesting them, and you can see that some were made up to get money. However, just looking back and questioning that he was from Hollywood and a celebrity, if he really did or didn't. I honestly do not know enough about different accusations of different celebrities. For me to just say that this celebrity did it or did not would be up in the air. Right now, I do not know enough about these accusations against Ashton Kutcher. I do not want to go after Ashton Kutcher if he is doing the right thing. I should be careful, if I were to state that he is actually behind trying to cover-up these child kidnapping rings. Honestly, its pretty bad trying to write articles about this kind of stuff. The video against Ashton Kutcher states that Ashton Kutcher is Jewish, and that Jews have a tradition of Rabbis sucking the penis of an infant boy, after a type of ritual circumcision, as seen in the following video. However, not all Jewish people are into this, and it is a small section that follow these practices.
I might as well talk about this subject, as long as I am talking about all these other topics, such as bride kidnapping in different countries. Now for me to even say this, is pretty bizarre to some people. However, this is what the video states, and the individual states that if people doing these investigations don't talk about it, that they are trying to cover up the facts of these child kidnapping rings. I have one of the lead articles on this subject, I think that just because someone is Jewish, doesn't mean that they are a pedophile. I believe it would be wrong to say that if someone is a Jew, that they are into pedophilia. Some say that people in support of this type of behavior of circumcision and oral suction from Rabbis, should be suspected in lewd acts against children. Especially if certain Rabbis are infecting babies with STDs, this should be frowned upon and not tolerated}.
Local rabbi accused of infecting babies with herpes
Sep 14, 2012
{We might as well also talk about force genital mutilation of women in Kenya, including other countries that is going on}.
'I will never be cut': Kenyan girls fight back against genital mutilation | Guardian Investigations
Apr 18, 2011
True Story - Female Genital Mutilation in Afar, Ethiopia
Mar 25, 2013
Confirmed Hollywood Arrests The NPC Show
Adult film star Ron Jeremy charged with rape, sexual assault
Jun 23, 2020
The rise and fall of Kevin Spacey: A timeline of sexual assault allegations
June 3, 2019
For more than 30 years, the award-winning actor could seemingly do no wrong.
Kevin Spacey scandal: A complete list of the 15 accusers
Nov 7, 2017
A complete list of the 60 Bill Cosby accusers and their reactions to his prison sentence
April 27, 2018
Bill Cosby sexual assault cases
Morgan Freeman's Lawyer Demands CNN Retract Sexual Harassment Story
Freeman's lawyer said they have begun an investigation into the story and shared some of the findings of their review:
Of the three people CNN identified as being a "victim," the first, CNN’s own Chloe Melas, had no reasonable basis to have interpreted what Mr. Freeman said or did at the Going In Style interview last year as having been directed at her or as any form of harassment. The videotape confirms that his statement had nothing to do with her and was not harassing. And an independent third party, the Warner Bros. Human Resources Department, investigated her claim and concluded that it was not supported by the facts.
The second person CNN identified, Tyra Martin, has gone on record twice since CNN published the article to state that CNN misrepresented what she said to CNN and that Mr. Freeman did not harass her.
The third person CNN identified, Lori McCreary, told CNN that Mr. Freeman never harassed her. And as to CNN’s gratuitous sideswipe at Ms. McCreary herself, yet another independent party investigated the claim when CNN raised it, and found it to be meritless.
Morgan Freeman's Granddaughter Stabbed to Death in Washington Heights: Police
May 14, 2018
Elijah Wood Says Hollywood Has a Pedophilia Problem
May 23, 2016
Russell Simmons accuser is the subject of Apple TV+ and Oprah Winfrey’s Sundance doc
Dec. 4, 2019
Woody Harrelson's Dad Was a Salesman and a Hitman
May 27, 2020
Silent-film star Fatty Arbuckle arrested for murder
September 11, 1921
Fatty Arbuckle, a silent-film era performer at the height of his fame, is arrested in San Francisco for the rape and murder of aspiring actress Virginia Rappe. Arbuckle was later acquitted by a jury, but the scandal essentially put an end to his career.
Murder in Hollywood: How an arrest destroyed Fatty Arbuckle’s career
April 24, 2020
Hollywood’s First Major Harassment Case, 96 Years Before Weinstein
Nov. 29, 2017
The Strange Drowning of Natalie Wood
Sep 8, 2017
The Rock says he Eats Children and jokes about child molesting
Jul 8, 2020
Chapter 11: Corporations
What Aborted Fetuses Have to Do With Vaccines
Ellen Grills Sandra Bullock On ADREN0CHR0ME Usage - The NPC Show Clips
Jul 9, 2020
Internet Comment Etiquette: "Adrenochrome"
Jul 31, 2020
Conspiracy Round Table #27: Adrenochrome & Human Trafficking
The Orion Lines (Adrenochrome) {Debated}
Whites have a More Robust Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Response to a Psychological Stressor than Blacks
Differences in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis response to stress may confer differences in susceptibility to a variety of diseases. We hypothesized that whites would differ from blacks in HPA axis response to a psychological stressor.
Healthy subjects aged 18–30 were recruited from Baltimore, Maryland. At initial assessment, they completed psychometric tests measuring anxiety, mood, and personality. Subjects then participated in the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST), which consisted of 10 min of public speaking and mental arithmetic exercises. Subjective anxiety was measured immediately pre- and post-TSST. Race effects on cortisol, adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH), and prolactin responses to the TSST were analyzed by GEE longitudinal analysis methods. The analysis controlled for gender, baseline hormone levels, socioeconomic factors, anxiety, mood, and dimensions of personality.
The Promise of Adult Stem Cells in Disease Management, Anti-Aging, and Life Extension
Nov 17, 2013
Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3 produced by the oxidation of adrenaline (epinephrine). The derivative carbazochrome is a hemostatic medication. Despite a similarity in chemical names, it is unrelated to chrome or chromium.
Legal status
Adrenochrome is unscheduled by the Controlled Substances Act in the United States. It is not an approved drug product by the Food and Drug Administration, and if produced as a dietary supplement it must comply with good manufacturing practice.
{We currently see different reports on human cells being used in vaccines and other products. It is debated if companies are trying to genetically engineer similar types of products for human consumption and in food products}.
Products That Use Aborted Fetuses
April 23rd, 2019
Products related to fetal material can be broken down into roughly 3 categories: artificial flavors, cosmetics, and medicines/vaccines.
1. Food and Drink
To be clear, food and beverages do not contain any aborted fetal material; however, they may be tastier because of it. How is that?
The American biotech company Senomyx has developed chemical additives that can enhance flavor and smell. To do this, they had to produce an army of never-tiring taste testers–that is, flavor receptors engineered from human embryonic kidney cells (HEK 293, fetal cell line popular in pharmaceutical research).1 These artificial taste buds can tell product developers which products the public will crave. The goal is to do a taste bud “sleight of hand,” creating low-sugar and low-sodium products that taste sweet or salty while actually using less sugar or sodium in the product.
The American biotech company Senomyx has developed chemical additives that can enhance flavor and smell. To do this, they had to produce an army of never-tiring taste testers–that is, flavor receptors engineered from human embryonic kidney cells (HEK 293, fetal cell line popular in pharmaceutical research).1 These artificial taste buds can tell product developers which products the public will crave. The goal is to do a taste bud “sleight of hand,” creating low-sugar and low-sodium products that taste sweet or salty while actually using less sugar or sodium in the product.
Does your Nestle Coffee-mate Pumpkin Spice refrigerated creamer taste more like autumn? Does your Maggi bouillon taste just like chicken? Thank Senomyx.
The laboratory-created artificial enhancers do not have to be tested at length by the FDA because the Senomyx chemical “flavor compounds are used in proportions less than one part per million” and can be classified as artificial flavors.2
In 2005, Senomyx had contracts to develop products for Kraft Foods, Nestle, Campbell Soup and Coca-Cola.2 However, when it was discovered in 2011 that PepsiCo was using Senomyx to develop a reduced sugar beverage, a boycott ensued that caused Kraft-Cadbury Adams LLC and Campbell Soup cancelled their contracts with Senomyx. In a 2012 letter to Children of God for Life, PepsiCo stated, “Senomyx does not use HEK cells or any other tissues or cell lines derived from human embryos or fetuses for research performed on behalf of PepsiCo.” To that effect, PepsiCo is working with Senomyx on two products developed with Sweetmyx 617, a new Senomyx sweet taste modifier.
In November 2018, the Swiss company Firmenich acquired Senomyx, Inc. Firmenich describes itself as “a global leader in taste innovation and expert in sweet, cooling and bitter solutions.”
2. Cosmetics
The fountain of youth…is babies.
Commercially, it’s known as Processed Skin Proteins (PSP), developed at the University of Lausanne to heal burns and wounds by regenerating traumatized skin. The fetal skin cell line was taken from an electively aborted baby whose body was donated to the University.
Neocutis, a San Francisco-based firm, uses PSP in some of their anti-aging skin products. Their website claims the trademarked PSP “harnesses the power of Human Growth Factors, Interleukins and other Cytokines, to help deliver state-of-the-art skin revitalization.”
3. Vaccines and Medicine
The Vaccine Card at the Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI) website lists over 21 vaccines and medical products that contain aborted fetal cell lines. The Card is updated yearly, and also lists ethical vaccine alternatives when there are any. The morality of using these vaccines is a complicated issue; see this article for more detailed information.
A Better Option
According to Dr. David A. Prentice Vice, President of the Charlotte Lozier Institute and Adjunct Professor of Molecular Genetics at the John Paul II Institute, adult stem cells are the benchmark for research that has led to actual cures for patients: “The superiority of adult stem cells in the clinic and the mounting evidence supporting their effectiveness in regeneration and repair make adult stem cells the gold standard of stem cells for patients.”
Sickening: Major food corporations use tissue from aborted babies to manufacture flavor additives in processed foods
April 15, 2015(NaturalNews) Every time you purchase mass-produced processed "food" from the likes of Kraft, PepsiCo, or Nestle, you're choosing, whether you realize it or not, to feed your family not only genetically engineered poisons and chemical additives, but also various flavoring agents manufactured using the tissue of aborted human babies.
It's true: A company based out of California, known as Senomyx, is in the business of using aborted embryonic cells to test fake flavoring chemicals, both savory and sweet, which are then added to things like soft drinks, candy and cookies. And Senomyx has admittedly partnered with a number of major food manufacturers to lace its cannibalistic additives into all sorts of factory foods scarfed down by millions of American consumers every single day.
Known as "HEK-293," the aborted human fetal cell line used by Senomyx is manipulated to evaluate how the human palate will react to synthetic flavors used in the production of processed foods. Since most processed foods on the market today are hardly food to begin with, and typically lack any real flavor or appeal on their own, chemical companies like Senomyx are hired to develop artificial ones (which are often deceptively labeled as "natural flavors") in order to make them taste like real food.
Kraft, Pepsi, and Nestle Using Aborted Babies For Flavor Additives
If you thought that Planned Parenthood selling the body parts of aborted babies was evil, then you will be shocked by those companies using these body parts as flavor additives.
The 1973 science fiction film Soylent Green was about food produced from human body parts. It appears Kraft Foods, Pepsi Corporation (PepsiCo) and Nestle are creating a new wave of products using aborted baby body parts provided by Semonyx and StemExpress. Science fiction is now a scientific reality. Should the Food and Drug Administration require a label on those products, listed below, that use baby parts as flavor additives?
Many have said that using human cells for human consumption, especially for flavoring additives, is still a form of cannibalism. Can we at least agree on that? We should not support companies that are using aborted fetus cells in food additives.
The question is if they are using aborted fetuses for their cells for flavoring additives and vaccines, what is to stop them from trying to produce more fetus cells this way. Does this mean that they will grow fetuses and harvest fetuses just for their cells now? To most, this does not sound very ethical.
Famous Food Companies Caught Using Aborted Babies For Flavor Additives
Aborted Babies 'Burned to Heat NHS Hospitals'
March 24, 2014
The bodies of at least 15,500 unborn babies have been incinerated over the past two years, with some of them used to generate power to heat NHS hospitals, a new investigation has revealed.
The issue, however, isn't limited to one incinerator in Oregon: Aborted fetal tissue and other types of medical waste — amputated limbs, organs, cancerous tissue, bones and all manner of bodily fluids — are routinely burned for heat or electricity worldwide. [8 Grisly Archaeological Discoveries]
In March, the British public was shocked to learn that the bodies of thousands of miscarried and aborted fetuses had been incinerated, along with other waste, to heat hospitals.
"This practice is totally unacceptable," said Dr. Dan Poulter, minister of the U.K. Department of Health, as quoted in The Telegraph. The incineration of fetal tissue was immediately banned at all National Health Service (NHS) hospitals.
But in fact, the practice is totally acceptable by many government agencies worldwide (Poulter's indignation notwithstanding), and is even mandated in dozens of state health codes as a way of managing potentially hazardous and infectious medical waste.
In Texas, the health code allows for the disposal of human tissue or fetuses by seven legal means, including incineration, "disinfection followed by deposition in a sanitary landfill" and "grinding and discharging to a sanitary sewer."
In North Carolina, health care facilities "shall dispose of fetal remains by burial, cremation or incineration," per state regulations.
South Dakota stipulates that "any hospital, clinic or medical facility in which abortions are induced or occur spontaneously or accidentally … shall arrange for the disposal of the remains by cremation, interment by burial or by incineration in a medical waste incinerator approved by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources."
And because many states and cities now use waste as an eco-friendly source of energy, medical waste (including body parts and fetal remains) is combined with household garbage and other types of waste to create heat or electricity.
15,000 Fetuses Incinerated To Heat UK Hospitals, ‘Waste-To-Energy’ System Condemned By Health Officials
Why Are Aborted Fetuses Burned?
April 25, 2014
People have responded with outrage over the news that aborted fetuses were routinely burned at an incinerator in Oregon that used medical waste to generate electricity.
"We're going to get to the bottom of it," Janet Carlson, commissioner of Marion County, Ore., told the Associated Press. "I want to know who knew, when they knew, how long they had known this was going on."
The issue, however, isn't limited to one incinerator in Oregon: Aborted fetal tissue and other types of medical waste — amputated limbs, organs, cancerous tissue, bones and all manner of bodily fluids — are routinely burned for heat or electricity worldwide. [8 Grisly Archaeological Discoveries]
In March, the British public was shocked to learn that the bodies of thousands of miscarried and aborted fetuses had been incinerated, along with other waste, to heat hospitals.
"This practice is totally unacceptable," said Dr. Dan Poulter, minister of the U.K. Department of Health, as quoted in The Telegraph. The incineration of fetal tissue was immediately banned at all National Health Service (NHS) hospitals.
But in fact, the practice is totally acceptable by many government agencies worldwide (Poulter's indignation notwithstanding), and is even mandated in dozens of state health codes as a way of managing potentially hazardous and infectious medical waste.
Clinton Responds To Accusations That Planned Parenthood Sells ‘Aborted Baby Parts’
Accusations that Planned Parenthood inappropriately profits off the sale of aborted fetuses are part of a “concerted attack” against both the organization and women’s ability to choose whether to have an abortion, presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said on Thursday.
“I think it is unfortunate that Planned Parenthood has been the object of such a concerted attack for so many years,” the Democratic front-runner said at an event in Greenville, South Carolina. “And it’s really an attack against a woman’s right to choose, to make the most personal, difficult decisions that any woman would face, based on her faith and the medical advice that she’s given.”
The comments represented Clinton’s first mention of the controversy, spurred last week by an organization called the Center for Medical Progress. The organization had secretly filmed a Planned Parenthood employee discussing the cost of handling fetal tissue samples. The employee, Dr. Deborah Nutacola, had believed she was speaking with buyers from a biological company, but was actually meeting with actors working for the organization.
Planned Parenthood Touts Seven-Figure Ad Buy for Hillary Clinton
28 Feb 2016
Any American who says abortion is not an important issue in the 2016 campaign will get an argument from abortion-business leader Planned Parenthood, which is promising to spend a seven-figure sum to aid Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in Michigan, Virginia, and Texas.
Sandy Hook Vampires Exposed
April 22, 2017
How Chinese Doctors Who Harvest Organs Get Away With Murder
Organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China
Mexican cartel member busted for child organ trafficking
Mexican cartel henchman arrested for killing children to harvest their organs
Atrocities committed by Mexican narcotics syndicates have reached a new low with the announcement that a henchman for the vicious Knights Templar has been arrested on suspicion of killing children by removing their internal organs.
Police nab cartel member in organ trafficking case
Inside The Mexican Cartel's Unspoken Child Organ Harvesting Ring
Overflooding dam threatens 500 million; US seizes 13 tons (26,000 pounds) of human hair from China
Jul 1, 2020
China’s Profitable Business of Concentration Camps
Apr 29, 2020
Chapter 12: California
February 2013
In September 2005, California enacted its first anti-trafficking bill, which made trafficking a felony and provided assistance to victims
5 arrested in human trafficking ring across Central, Southern California
August 23, 2016
A taskforce of local, state and federal agencies assembled by the Ventura County Sheriff's Department uncovered an elaborate network that allegedly delivered millions of dollars in wire transfers to China.
The business was human trafficking. Women from Fresno to San Diego were forced to have sex with 20 to 30 men a day.
The probe started with the cooperation of upscale motels in Camarillo. Managers reported suspicious activity to the Ventura County Sheriff's Department.
For six months, detectives followed the money trail to the secret headquarters in San Gabriel. They allege Dae Phong Hu acted as a dispatcher, sending women to various hotels in a nine county areas, where they would service clients seven days a week.
"The victims consistently incurred debt. They were forced to pay their drivers, forced to pay for their food, forced to pay for the hotel room. That's one of the ways there were kept captive - is continuing to amass a huge debt that they could not pay off," says Ventura County Undersheriff Gary Pentis.
To lure in clients, the conspirators placed salacious ads on Men of all ages and ethnicities responded.
The victims were Chinese women unable to escape. Some clients beat them.
One alleged conspirator took desperate action to avoid capture as Ventura County's taskforce surrounded the San Gabriel hub.
Human trafficking in California
Human trafficking in California is the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of reproductive slavery, commercial sexual exploitation, and forced labor as it occurs in the state of California, and it is widely recognized as a modern-day form of slavery. It includes "the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power, or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labor services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs."California is particularly vulnerable because of "proximity to international borders, number of ports and airports, significant immigrant population, and large economy that includes industries that attract forced labor." It serves both as an entry point for slaves imported from outside the US as well as a destination for slaves. Slavery is found throughout California, but major hubs are centered on Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego, and San Francisco. According to the 2011 Department of State report, California, together with New York, Texas, and Oklahoma, has the largest concentrations of survivors of human trafficking. The National Human Trafficking Resource Center reported receiving 3,609 calls and emails in 2015 about human trafficking in California.
San Francisco identifies 291 human trafficking victims during six-month period
September 1, 2015
Nearly 300 mostly young females were victims of sex trafficking in San Francisco during the last six months of 2014, according to a new city report that statistically begins to uncover the severity of the exploitation.With a booming tourism industry and great business wealth, San Francisco ranks among the top hubs for human trafficking in California, along with Los Angeles, Sacramento and San Diego. Additionally, the Bay Area is among the 13 highest child sex trafficking areas in the nation.
But there is an effort to more deliberately curb the illegal activity, such as through better documenting how the $32 billion global industry has a foothold in The City. To do so, the first-of-its-kind report aggregates requested data from 19 nonprofits who work with survivors of human trafficking.